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  • UE4Editor_2023-10-03_01-41-35.mp4
  • UE4Editor_2023-10-07_00-43-49.mp4



This week I focused on the final sex animation I'm going to add before the update release.  The first animation went really smooth, but the second gave me a lot of trouble.  
The rig that I used was quick and dirty, and I paid for it with a lot of animation errors and twisting when I imported it to Unreal.

I had hoped to get one more animation part done this week, but unfortunately that held me back a bit, so I'll likely work on it this weekend.

Once that's done I want to add a few Halloween themed rooms, and then we're ready to go!

Not a lot to say, but I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and stay spooky!


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