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Got a lot done this week, and I think I'm still on track to release a build by the end of the month.

I have a special event I wanted to test, and I was able to get that working this week.  I think I'd like to add some more animations to it in the future, but right now it has enough that it works, and I'm pleased with it.   

Still needs all its sound effects, though.

To create this even I had to build a way to have a dialogue with another character, so I took the time to put together a dialogue system.  The system allows for dialogue trees, events to occur and animations to play during the dialogue.   If and when I can afford voice acting, that will slot right in.

dialogue cut off to hide dark secrets!

I'm hoping to modify this system a little more, so that it can be used for cutscenes and not just dialogue between characters.

In addition to getting this event going, I spent some time working on some monster lore, and corrections on the cultist costume, but I might save that for later.

I've also been working on the dungeon level layout a little bit, most of it is aesthetic,  but I think that can be important too. 

I also did a few bug fixes that should make some mechanics less finicky.   Things should never be frustrating because they just don't work, so when I see that I try to jump on it.

I've got a few more things to do, make a couple rooms full of new enemies, and update a couple animations, and then I'll have a build out.

Thanks so much for the support, and everyone have a safe and wonderful week!


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