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As you can see, I managed to get both of our new enemies all plugged in and walking around in game.  They both respond appropriately to most attacks, and do the proper patrol behaviours.   
I'd forgotten how long and tedious it is hooking all the animations up and getting everything plugged in!

As you can see they still need a few tweaks, their movement speeds need to be finalized, and they both have an animation or two that I somehow missed.  So I've got to go back and add those.

They also of course need their love animations, and attacks, so those are the big things to focus on now that they're in game.

I also mentioned that I had a really great idea for a trap to add to the level I was working on.   Here's a hint!

Had to make sure all the appropriate "appendages" fit through the bars, and they do!

Anyways that's it for this week! Hope everyone has a wonderful week and stay safe!



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