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My dad's surgery went well, He had two arteries replaced (Double bypass). and is doing well (he actually comes home from the hospital today!

This was a pretty big worry for me last week, and I'm glad its over and he's in good shape!   

I'm also feeling much better, but haven't shaken illness completely.  I'm starting to think I'm just gonna be coughing and congested forever.

So I was able to continue working on animations for our two new mobs, and this coming week there is nothing(yet) stopping me from getting a lot of work done!

Instead of showing animations off, above is a little prototype I created over the Christmas break,  I need to learn UE5, and since I can't seem to upgrade this project, I started a new one to check out the differences.  
This is something I'll work on here and there from time to time, so don't expect it to take nearly any time at all from Sorceress Tales.  At some point once its a bit more filled out, I'll build it out to let people mess with it.

Otherwise I'm looking forward to a big week, and I hope you guys have a good week as well, and stay safe!


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Good news. Really happy for your dad that his surgery went well. Wishing him a speedy recovery