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I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a good holiday.  I did take a few days off, but managed to get a little back in the flow by the end of the week and get a few things started.

First I started planning some stuff out for Meridiana's tent/room.  Being that Meridiana is a sorceress/magician, she should have access to magical stuff.  One such thing is her tent.  This fully furnished room would be small on the outside, but big on the inside, and she can set it up in special areas.  

I plan for this to be an area where you could save, set up spells/abilities/items, and maybe do a review of collected love scenes so far.

Its still super early, but this should kinda give an idea of what I'm thinking.

In addition to that, I've also started to finalize some of the systems, one being the climbing system.

While I don't plan for this to be Assassin's Creed(I tend to think their system is actually a little clunky, and slows everything down to much, except in syndicate), I do like verticallity, and I want Meridiana to be able to scramble around at least a little.  

She already has a built in teleport, but the climbing system will kind of fill that out.  Her blueprint is getting pretty heavy, so I do also want to make this climbing system as independant and portable as I can.   

There are more then a few ways to build a climbing system.  The way I'm approaching it is to create specific objects that can be grabbed, and put these throughout the levels.  This will take a little more time because I'd have to manually place them in the level, but will also make it easier to build them into puzzle solving of the level.

No animation yet, but the system is working!

Last thing I was working on, is setting up a basic attack.  I do want Meridiana to have some basic combo attack that I can build on.  However I'm not sure what to make it be.   I was thinking a knife, or perhaps some kind of simple spell.  I'd love to hear feedback on what you think might be a good fit!

Thanks for checking this out, and as always I'd love to hear any comments/suggestions or questions!


E Vazquez

Why not a basic wand as a cudgel attack? Maybe even introduce a shock upgrade for it that would stun weaker enemies later on.


A ceremonial knife is good but a but too violent for her. She's not a thug. And there are already numerous spells, so adding another one, even a simple jab feels lazy. Honestly, the most logical action for a petite sorceress would be a kick in the nuts or a foot stomp to get some use for those high heels. Maybe a whack with the heavy spell book will send enemies flying? Yeah! That would be both logical and comical and requires no extra animation for enemies. Love the tent idea! your project really feels like the labor of love. Suggestion: take a closer look at arabian tents and harems: not many chairs, but mostly pillows and divans, with colorful fabric.


If you need help to modelize some furniture, i can help a little if you want.


how about a whip, its light and can be multi purposed for binding or climbing but comes with the risk of being loud. and its a nothing thing you could put on the awesome belt you made.

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

Dmitry's suggestion of kicking with her heels sounds good, but I also had an idea of my own. Perhaps have her form a blade of magical energy from her wand, and use it like a short sword? That could be too powerful for her regular attacks though, if that's the case maybe it could be an upgrade to just whacking them with her wand for more range and damage.


You could use a staff melee attack with a basic combo likeKigdoms of Amalur


When you talk about a basic attack I immediately envision people getting lazy/frustrated/super pro and figuring out ways to spam the predictable, vanilla attack for the whole experience. I don't know what your game design looks like at this point, but maybe consider making the basic move a melee stun or daze attack for single enemies. That way it still does something helpful and immediate, but it only buys you a little time, it doesn't necessarily earn you a win. Also, please avoid making the "basic" move a weak pistol equivalent. Wimpy ranged shots are frustrating *and* boring >:( As far as the superficial aspects of the attack, anything that looks obviously not as effective as a good-ol magic attack. Whatever you do, you should probably avoid making the basic combo look better than other attacks. So maybe consider something a little more Looney Tunes, and a little less Premium Microtransaction VIP Execution Move (5-star). Exciting to see the world and gameplay continue to be fleshed out!


Good work!)