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This week I finished setting up my helper class for searches, and set up the sleeping ability/spell.

There are a number of searches that I frequently do.  These usually involve trying to find enemies or objects in a cone infront of something, or checking two objects relation to each other.   To make this easier, and more organized, I build a very small blueprint library with these functions fleshed out.  

Its not super complex, but I thought I'd share what I've done.  All you should need to do is drag the included UAsset into your Unreal project to use it.

As you might not always want to charm an enemy, I also needed an alternative.  Since stabbing an unaware badguy in the back doesn't quite fit with Meridiana's character, I thought she's put them to sleep instead.  Now you can sleep any enemy you can charm, and if you want to, you can even put charmed enemies to sleep.

I put together some animations for the enemies when they fall asleep, but I feel like they ended up being very overdone.  I'll likely go back and change them to look more like fainting.   I also need to add in a prompt so the player knows when they can sleep a target.

Enemies will also now fall asleep after sex instead of dying.  Well, just so long as their life is more then you drain from them :)   They're pretty heavy sleepers, but if you knock them about to much they might wake up!

That's about it for this week!  As always I'd love to hear any comments, questions, etc.



Excellent idea with putting them to sleep! Bravo! I especially applaud the care taken to insure that heroine's actions are in line with her character. She is not a vigilante on a murderous quest. After all, these dumb monsters are just protecting their habitats and it does not feel that these creatures are an invading army or even particularly evil. Technically she is the invader, right? I wish we could get a glimpse of at least some of the lore, or have I missed it?


I'm all for the sleeping idea


whether the character customization (body, clothes, hair) or a choice of heroines


In which folder to copy the file?


then a further question, and how to use the "sleep" or rather what buttons? If the spell book there is no such


Hallo Mithos,


fuck, I did not meant to send that xD, anyway, I was about to ask you if you plan to add a free camera mode? I do like the way the camera is moving but I would love to have a free camera you can position however you want. Is there anything planned like this?


Its not in a released build yet. I only do new builds every month or so.


I love the sleeping idea, it's very good! will Meri be able to sleep with enemies while they are asleep? it could be a way to wake them up again.