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I worked on a few things this week, but what I specifically wanted to show off was a few magic/ability updates.

First I've changed some effects and spells for air magic, making the boomerang look more like wind, and making the blast of air be a more direct blast.   

I'm not removing the freezing powers, but I will be making them their own magic power.  I really like the ice stuff, but it just didn't feel like I had it in the correct place.

I've also added a requested knife ability.  You can now throw the knife.  Similar to God of War (although a knife is far less intimidating than an Axe), the knife will stick into whatever it is throw at, and stay there until it is recalled manually by the player.   Right now it isn't too strong, but like anything else it'll be balanced as we go.  
With this I know the player always has some sort of projectile ready to go, and so I don't have to worry about puzzles being broken or unuseable.   

My next change for the knife is going to be some additional animations for shorter enemies, so that you don't have to worry about always missing them.

That's what I wanted to show off for this week, I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and stay safe!


Knife and Wind

I've updated the knife to having a throw component. When thrown the knife will stick in whatever it hits, until it is recalled by the player. I figure I can use this in puzzles like God of War, AND I know the player always has a throwable object, even if it doesn't do a ton of damage. I also updated the effects on the wind power to look more wind like, as well as make the close range power a regular push. I'm going to move the more ice like powers into a specific Ice Magic, so I want water and wind to be distinct. https://www.patreon.com/Mithos56 (NSFW)


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