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Here is the new build for this month.

I took out the hearts, so you can charm three enemies at once right right away.

In order to activate the tentacle trap on Meridiana, there has to be no enemies nearby, and you have to stand near the middle of the trap for three seconds.

September Build 64 bit

September Build 32 bit

Please let me know if you have any Feedback!



Yehey! Excellent Mr. Mithos!!!


Awesome! Thx mithos I really like the Strafing when you have the Zoom activated. You feel kind of a BattleMage^^ How about Hit *WASD* double for a little Jump or a fast Avoiding? Another Question. The adult Szenes are awesome as always. But how about to Hit Enter and then they go over to switch the Position? It would feel way more natural. I don´t like the *Hit Space* and then they stand somewhere else. Have a really good day kara


Very cool new feature! I do have to echo one of the other users who mentioned they thought the climax was a little too short. I think the same can be said for the troll scenes as well. Keep up the great work! Can't wait to see what you're cooking up next!


Very Nice! So i have to say, there are few things, maybe bugs: Her eyes going little bit crazy if she "enjoy" the moment at the Start. Some Lighting failure text comes up left in red, nothing to do with the gameplay. The lizzard guys walk a looong time, so its pretty hard to seduce them. The Rune trap is awesome :) I Like how she looks in her pleasure *g* Physics are great. They falling now after dead and didnt become an infarction and flop down. Like to see maybe in time new enemie ;) Dogs are the best in such games :P You did a great job and i support you gladly!


That is a very nice animation!


Even in development, this is the highest quality adult 3D adventure game on the market.