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In order to reduce some burnout I've been feeling, I took a little more time this week to explore Unreal Engine 5.  I still did some animation and modeling work, but I needed something a bit different to focus on for a bit.

I have a lot of other really simple game ideas, so its been a nice change of pace to prototype the basics of them out to see how they actually feel.  I don't plan on working on anything to complex though.  I just want to explore some ideas I have, not switch gears!

UE5 really is very cool with how easy it is to get things going, as you have access to all of their assets right off the bat.  

They've also updated their templates a bit.  So there's some new stuff that's really neat regarding IK and retargetting animations.

Also fluid simulations.....  oh boy!

It'll likely be a while before I feel comfortable updating the project, if I do at all.  I really want access to a lot of those new tools, but I need to find out how much of what I have already might be disabled by upgrading.

I hope everyone is doing well!  Please stay safe, and have a good week!


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