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Busy week jumping around trying to make progress on a bunch of stuff!

I took some time to reimport my tent, with some updated textures.  Now that I see it again after so long, I really want to remake it, but I'll save that for later.  Its more important to get stuff moving then remaking right now.

As you can see in the above video, I'm working on an effect to allow the interior of the tent to be larger then the exterior.  She is a sorceress after all, so a magic tent makes sense.

It does need a lot more work to be convincing, though.

The interior of the tent is where I plan to have a few menu options kinda built into things.  I did this image to kinda explain it a bit.

It is missing a few things, but its a rough start to how I'd like to lay the tent out, and use it to access features and easter eggs and such.

I've also put in more time working on whiteboxing the next level/area.  Its going to be a more traditional dungeon, which I will fill with traps and such.   (and less platforming)  

With the dungeon, I want to do a few new enemies.  I've already been working on the imp, but the other enemy I want to do is some cultists. I haven't started modeling them, but here is one of my drawings of what I have in mind.   (This is why I do 3d, because I can't draw )

Since I don't really have to focus too much on faces, it should allow me to create a little variety while using the same skeleton for once.

Oh, and I took a bit of time to make another window and door for my modular house stuff.

This is meant for a store or shop.

I really want to get another test out with this Garden area, and the whitebox of the new level as soon as I can, but I don't want to give a timeline and miss it.  

I'll be putting some extra focus on these things, even as I work to finish up the previous level.

Hope everyone has a great holiday, and stay safe!


Portal Test

Building a garden/hub area for my game. Being that everything is magic, I imagine that the heroine's tent is bigger on the inside then it is on the outside. I'm using portals to achieve this, sending the player to a bigger seperate area when they enter the tent. This is a start, but I really want to work on it a bit, so it is much smoother, and there aren't issues with the render target camera as much. I might end up using a purchased prefab for this. https://www.patreon.com/Mithos56 (NSFW)


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