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Like I planned, I took a few days off this week, but still got some stuff done.   

My tablet came back from repair, so I spent a day getting that back up and working, and even concepted another enemy a bit once I got it working properly.

I tested a trimsheet texture on some of those props I made.   There are a few things missing from the trim sheet, and it feels a bit plain.  So I plan to make a new one that pops a bit more.

And finally I worked on more goo FX.  I did a few squirt type animations, and I've been testing those out in engine as well.

New week and back to the full grind I think!  Hope everyone is staying safe!




Is there a chance that a permanent gallery mode will be added?


Glad to hear things are up and running. Any ETA on the next playable version?


where can I download? I did not notice a single mention of links.