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I posted this a few weeks ago for the $5+ patrons, but here it is for everyone.  

This is the white box for the tutorial level I'm building as sort of a demo level.

The level currently has notes through out explaining what to do, I plan on replacing that with some dialogue in the future.

I'd like some feedback on what you like and dislike.  I understand the controls are a bit awkward, and I do plan to change them around.  

Currently, I plan on reducing the ability buttons from three to two, and changing the way you select abilities.  

If you've already played this build from the previous post, there isn't a lot changed.  I updated the knife attack, and fixed a few bugs.


Update - The build has been updated so that A and D now change the stages of a sex animation,  If you were having trouble using comma and period, this should work better!



In my opinion, seduce/command should be its own button. The spells were fun to play around with. Kinda difficult for me around the moving platforms but that can be tweaked.


I can not even pass the second door ????


yeah, that Might be something I remove, or at least tone down a bit. I'm thinking maybe more of a climbing and teleporting type thing.


The second gate you need to dash to get through, or the one after the goblin. If its the first, you need to dash to get there in time. If its the second, you need to bang the goblin for it to open.


Once you go upstairs, the first goblin, it is written: Tap E to charm an enemy. Once charmed, select the command ability in the spell menu (Hold TAB), and use is to drain them. Use <(comma) and> (period) to cycle through the sex scene stages. this door will unlock after you've drained an enemy. and I can not change my position


I'm perplexed by why these keys don't work for some people, but since they don't, I've changed them to different keys


how should I do? I have to wait for the next update?


Likes: * Absorbing enemy powers like Megaman when you fuck them. Gives you an incentive to not just apply murder * Monsters dissolving when you absorb their powers. Thematically makes more sense than them just falling over mysteriously * Drawing a symbol for a spell * The tutorial cues that pop up when you get a new thing Dislikes: * The context menu to select a skill, I'd almost rather just tab through my skills, or something else * There's no reminder as to the symbol I have to draw for a spell, so I was sticking to the one I remembered * The left mouse button shouldn't be able to be changed on the fly. Each button should stay on the same class of action -- I shouldn't be able to remap left click between seduce and attack accidentally, I develop a muscle memory to a type of action to a button, that shouldn't change drastically * Circular platforms that I'm supposed to grab. If I approach from some angles, it doesn't grab, but it's usually clear why I didn't grab a straight surface if I don't approach it orthogonally Overall liked it, just my feedback. Game is sweet, keep on keeping on.


I'm looking at some changes with how attacks and abilities are selected. of course I will be including a spell book so you can see what spells you have and how to cast them.