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I'm enjoying how the weapon system seems to work, so I've been working on that a bit this week.

I started with building the animations for the goblin and the player for using a sword.  I'll add new weapons as I go, but I feel like the sword is fine for now.

I built in the basic weapon durability to the game.  Weapons can now be dropped, or broken.  Some spells will conjure a weapon that exists for a limited time.   I tried to make the weapon breaking a bit dramatic so the player won't miss it.   

I've also started to build the system to interact with the world (i.e. use things)  

To test everything, I've added back in the wooden goblin sword.  Which is okay for a goblin, but really sucks for the player.  

One problem I noticed, and got feedback on was that the monsters tend to be too short, and your swing often misses them.  To combat this, I've added some checks that should cause Meridiana to aim downwards to hit smaller monsters.

Little systems that I need to implement keep popping up, but I'm getting the frameworks for them in place pretty quickly, and I really want to be back to sexing the monsters before the end of this month, so I'm going to be focusing on that as soon as I can!

Let's see if I can't give you guys an interesting update sooner then later!


Built durability system for weapons.  They CAN now take damage as they are used.

Weapons breaking now plays a specific animation to alert the player.

Made it so monsters of the same type/team don't hurt each other unless charmed.

Added small wooden goblin sword as optional Goblin Weapon.

Built Drop for weapons that can be picked up.

Adjusted Heroine to be able to aim down at smaller enemies if needed.

Set up Meridiana's Base sword attack.

Started building "use" system.  Added button press type mini game.



ogre five

That looks really cool. Maybe a simple helmet prop is in order? Protects a little vs weapons bit can also be broken. Nice easy way to add some varity to her already amazing look.


Hi! I love your work, you are very cool! I also create the game. ;)