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This week was a good start, I was able to get a lot done from my list and stay on track for my goals for the month.

I did lose ONE rather lengthy animation to a windows update, but it shouldn't be too hard to recreate now that I know how I want it to go.

I also started putting together attack animations for the minotaur.  He's just another enemy, so besides maybe a surprise or two, he's gonna react like most other enemies do to most stuff.  Being a minotaur, he's gotta have a charge attack, but I'm gonna set him up with a few regular attacks as well.  Still deciding if he's gonna have an axe or a big Hammer.

The Ogre is gonna be more of a boss monster, so I'm gonna try to plan things out and take a little longer with his attacks.

I'm gonna try to post a midweek dirty animation, it feels like its been too long!

Other than that, I hope everyone has a great week, and stay safe!



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