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I said my goal for this week was to build out a time line of my immediate goals and give that information to you guys.  
To that end I set up a Trello this week, in order to build out a timeline for my next build.

I've included a screenshot to avoid spoilers on some surprises, but the full Trello can be viewed here:


My Immediate long term goal is to get the tutorial area completed with cutscenes.  I want players to understand all the mechanics, and be able to play through part of the game with an actual plot.   This would also include the dungeon level.  

At this point I feel like I would have enough to make a public demo, and release that.

Working towards that I've got my plans listed towards the next build.

For one person, I think my list might be a bit aggressive, but not terribly so.   

For the next build my goal is to include:

  • New enemies (2)
  • Two new tutorial sections with temp dialogue
  • The first two tutorial sections finalized with cutscenes
  • Some additional dungeon rooms
  • a few other surprises

If you want to see more, the Trello breaks things down. and of course, once we've hit this goal, I'll update everything for the next one!

That's it for today!
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful week!



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