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Hello, everyone!

Hope you guys have been doing okay. I'm coming here (a lot earlier than expected) to drop something I know lots of you have been dearly looking forward to for a while now.

Like I said a few times before, I'd been working behind the scenes on the plans for Haruki's route to be able to condense and streamline it as much as possible (after all, it's supposed to be a smaller route than the three main ones). I already had the script for his Character Select events mostly finalized, so I was able to pull the trigger on those a lot faster than it usually takes me to get an update done.

Now, make no mistake, this is still a long update. It ended up being about 30~50% longer than the average TA update (average TA update adds up to 1000 lines in the code editor). There's quite a bit of ground to tread here.

In addition to Haruki himself, this update also includes some changes done under the hood, so that comes with both celebration and a warning. First, the celebration:

TA has a new system that uses Ren'pys ColorMatrix function to edit the sprite colors in real time. This way I can recolor them to better suit the scene/background. So their colors will change to reflect sunsets, dim lighting, nightfall, etc. Obviously, since TA is quite lengthy and these need to be programmed in manually, I haven't added it to the entire game. However, the entirety of the prologue as well as all 4 characters' CS events have had the tint system added to them. That is a HUGE plus.

As for the warning: To fix the issue that would cause sprites to flicker whenever they changed their expression, I had to change the transition Tennis Ace uses to change sprite expressions from a transform to a Dict Transition. I won't get too much into the technical of it, but that essentially means that every single instance of sprite change transitions had to be changed or they would cause the game to crash. To be able to do such a thing in a timely (and reasonable) manner, I had to use Search/Replace and automate a lot of it. Because of that, things maybe less than perfect. You may notice sprite transitions not happening as smoothly as they should (one sprite waiting for the previous sprite's expression to change before they change their own; the game fading to black more than once per transition; among other things). If you do notice those kinds of things, make sure to report it so I can fix it. It just wouldn't be realistic for me to scour the whole entire game on my own to find these, so if you find them, drop a screenshot telling me when it happens and what exactly happened.

Now, as for the save file issue: A lot of you have been reporting that old save files no longer work/cause the game to crash. I've said it before, but I think it bears repeating: since the game is a work in progress, there is only so much I can do to make changes backwards compatible. Sometimes Ren'py will break old saves even if I make no changes that should affect them. I have very little control over what does or doesn't break old save files. In fact, I have to struggle with it too since my own save files (that I use to quickly get through the game to test new content) also break. If there were a way to fix it, I would have done it already. If there is a way to fix it, I haven't found it yet despite my best efforts. Either way, my hands are unfortunately tied here. This is why Tennis Ace has the option "Skip to Next Choice" as well as "Skip Unread" in the settings. If your old save file breaks, you might have to start from scratch. If you do, those will let you get back to the point you'd been at in a few minutes. That's the best I can do at the moment.

Now, without any further delays, to the changelog:

  • Several QoL of life fixes involving sprite transitions, sprite colors and mask shadows were added into the game. They are still not done and many of them only go so far as the end of Character Select. Please be patient and wait for the changes to be made game-wide.
  • Haruki's route has now been added to the game. It is not unlocked by default. Players have to first unlock it before he can appear in the character select screen. I will leave the unlocking requirements a mystery for now, but I'm sure you all will find it since it's really easy.

That is all! I hope you guys have a great day, that you enjoy the update, and we'll see each other next time for Jun's next update!

Download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1k4oHEUE7Kex7zt5YFUX-LO-bVR_KfEZz?usp=sharing




For Max Enjoyment, I recommend people to reread the short stories of Yuuichi and Shoichi's first meeting, as it ties in with CS10 of Haruki route. On note of the Update: I found an exception error on android. I assume the character selections are not meant to be mixed matched. Since you an do some of Haruki [and meet Kiga], then lock into Shoichi While looking at how awkward that is On day 17, Shoichi Route [with a few of the Haruki heart events completed] I get an [an exception has occurred] While running game code: TypeError: unsupported operand types(s) for -: 'float' and 'NoneType' Exception: in DynamiImage u'images/sprites/haruki/pose1/arm2[casual_arm]_casual_jacket.png': Could not find subs Yuuichi: Hey, Haruki, Do you have any siblings? Haruki: I have a little brother. Why? Yuuichi: And how old is your brother? His eyebrows furrows as he looks at me with confusion. thankfully, I think Aki is still doing a pretty good job of making the guy behave... and the wolf doesn't even notice it. An exception has occurred Yeah. The look I've been seeing on Haruki's face is one I know all too well. It's the look of a loving older brother. Game runs fine if you press ignore 3x


I hope there will be some change in Shoichi route if we almost completing Haruki's CS. Might be really fun. Also I'm so ready for next update, thank you for your hard working❤️~~


I started a new run just to see how the changes were and found a couple errors on day 7. I hit ignore and it still ran ok. I'm playing on pc. While running game code: Exception: Parameter 'new_widget' is not known by ATL Transform. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "Day07.rpyc", line 461, in script File "renpy/ast.py", line 1438, in execute renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired) File "renpy/exports.py", line 1682, in with_statement return renpy.game.interface.do_with(trans, paired, clear=clear) File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2718, in do_with clear=clear) File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3276, in interact repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs) File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3633, in interact_core new_widget=layers_root) File "renpy/atl.py", line 462, in __call__ raise Exception('Parameter %r is not known by ATL Transform.' % k) Exception: Parameter 'new_widget' is not known by ATL Transform. Full traceback: File "Day07.rpyc", line 561, in script File "renpy/ast.py", line 1438, in execute renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired) File "renpy/exports.py", line 1682, in with_statement return renpy.game.interface.do_with(trans, paired, clear=clear) File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2718, in do_with clear=clear) File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3276, in interact repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs) File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3633, in interact_core new_widget=layers_root) File "renpy/atl.py", line 462, in __call__ raise Exception('Parameter %r is not known by ATL Transform.' % k) Exception: Parameter 'new_widget' is not known by ATL Transform.

The Mysterious M3tav0X

We're getting a Haruki route, but when do we get a Victor route? o3o jk jk ... ... unless?


For typo reporting, should that wait until the public release? BTW loved seeing the new route for Haruki!


How can I put it? It's 5 A.M right now and I can't believe that I had spend more than 2 hours to read Haruki's route. Your character's buildings are always great in my view, but Haruki's route is like you had broke through your limit and put in my mind a colourful character like him. I'm really appreciate your hard-working. Before next update of yours, make sure you won't push yourself too much like before D: Looking for your next update.


Finally the Haruki update! This update was sooooooo gooood! The writing here was just amazing! Thanks so much for the update! I can’t wait for the next one.


I really really cannot wait for the next Haruki update his 8 hearts were so good and I'm really looking forward to his relationship blossoming. I hope he gets a Day everytime to catch up with the other boys lol.

The Mysterious M3tav0X

So, like, I understand WHY it was like this, but the whole "don't be judgmental of people you don't know" message at the end comes off as kinda ham-fisted to me? Like, I get it's all just kinda there to set up up Haruki's route... But at the same time, it also felt like it was blatantly denying the part that Haruki's behavior played in earning his negative reputation. I spent all of Haruki's CS days thinking that MC would call Haruki out for blaming everyone for judging him as some delinquent thug despite the fact that he very deliberately behaves in a way that gives them no reason to think otherwise... But it never happened. I'll wait things out before passing any hard judgement, but at some point, Haruki absolutely needs to be called out on all the hypocritical emo crap he's pulling. Complaining that nobody believes he didn't start a fight despite always acting aggressive and standoffish; saying that nobody is willing to give him a chance, yet snapping at anyone who tries to get close...


Well, yes. That's kind of one of the main plot points of his route. It didn't get fully fleshed out here because CS was only setting up the relevant plot threads so they can be followed up on over the course of the route. But, as a general little spoiler (that I had hoped people would have inferred based on what they know of him in Shoichi's route as well as his own CS): Haruki wasn't always aggressive, rude and dismissive. He does have a point when he said that people wouldn't give him a chance and so he stopped caring :p

The Mysterious M3tav0X

Yes, I played through Haruki's last CS, wherein each of those details was actively spelled out - and in the case of Haruki "not caring anymore", proven false - to the audience. Overall, that much was done rather wel. However, none of that is actually what I was talking about. In Haruki's last CS, Yuu comes to realize and feel bad about how he judged Haruki as a delinquent before really getting to know him, and - just to reiterate - while I more or less understand WHY this scene is written and presented the way it is, the scene also seemingly goes out of its way to make it seem like Yuu coming to that initial conclusion wasn't based almost entirely on Haruki's behavior - particularly and especially during Day 1 and Shoichi's CS 2. Haruki antagonizing and insulting Yuuichi and Shoichi just to get a reaction out of then, being actively hostile towards others even to his own detriment, and even going as far as assaulting Yuu just to provoke Shoichi - in other words, generally acting like an absolute and undeniable asshole - is all but forgotten during that scene; it's almost like this scene is treating the concepts of "Yuu realizes he was judging Haruki so harshly even without realizing it and feels really bad about it" and "Haruki actively and intentionally acts like an asshole to people, thus reinforcing their negative perceptions about him" as of they're mutually exclusive and can't both be acknowledged at the same time. If the scene saw Yuu more openly acknowledging - whether that be through Yuu actively confronting Haruki about it or reflecting on it all during Yuu's realization of how he judged Haruki - Haruki's behavior, how it effected and reinforced Yuu's (and likely many other people's) initial perceptions of him and even the implications it had for Haruki's own perceptions of others and general outlook, it might make the entire scenario and Yuu's decision to pursue a friendship with Haruki feel more... Well, not really *natural*, but at least more impactful, in a way; like more of a statement regarding Yuu's character and his commitment correct himself and doing right by those around him, rather than feeling like it's just kinda there as an obligatory setup to Yuu and Haruki getting together. Now, I'm not saying that the entire scene should be rewritten or anything of that nature; all I mean to express is that it would have been nice to see more active acknowledgement regarding the part that Haruki's behavior played in Yuu forming the judgements/preconceptions that he did about Haruki. Tl;dr Haruki's behavior prior to his CS being unlocked (and even a bit during his CS events) played a very significant role in Yuu perceiving him as a delinquent - moreso than any rumors Yuu heard about him - but none of it was actually acknowledged leading up to, during, or after Yuu's revelation about his preconceived judgements in Haruki's last CS. *** This was much longer than I intended, I'm sorry. I swear, I do genuinely enjoy *Tennis Ace* and what you're doing with it! And I'm really looking forward to what comes next! I just get really into discussing these sort of things and have never been good at being concise or delicate with my words, as much as I honestly try to... Regardless, keep up the great work!

Joe Esquivel

How do you access Haruki's route? He doesn't appear in the character select screen. And I downloaded the latest update.


First 2 parts of Shoichi's route select, let Haruki kiss you, then the option shall appear the next day


First you choose the Shoichi route, Play till Haruki tries to kiss you on the roof and let him, dont push him away, then he will be available next time you pick characters.