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Hello, everyone,

So... I finally managed to clear this update.

As I'd mentioned in the last status update, there was an issue with the payment processor and the payment being received by my bank in Brazil. To make a very long, very emotionally draining situation short, that whole mess took... much longer to solve than I imagined. I was asked for over a dozen documents, some of which needed to be acquired through an accountant. All of which took a few days to get. Then, once all documents were sent to the Brazilian bank handling the situation, they asked for MORE documents, forcing me to go on a fetch quest for more stuff. Then they asked again for MORE documents.

By the end of it, I had to resubmit my tax declarations for the last year, get itemized statements for every month's expenses from the accountant, fill up multiple forms. Even take screenshots of my Patreon page and of Tennis Ace to prove that everything was above board. It was a very exhausting period where I barely had time to myself. My money ended up being claimed for a bit over twenty days and I spent that entire time either chasing after documents or taking Xanax to keep the anxiety at bay. Because of that, I couldn't finish the update in the time I initially promised you all. I ended up having to sell multiple personal effects as well as having to borrow money from friends and family to be able to pay my bills and afford food. It was an incredibly rough month and I am really sorry that this situation ended up affecting things with TA.

Hopefully this update will be to you guys' standards. Despite everything, I am proud of it. Suffice to say, Nyaruh was my rock during this month. She kept consoling me, trying to encourage me and work double time on art for TA because she knew it was one of the only things I had to look forward to this month.

I will try to get the Shoichi update done as soon as possible, but for now I'll avoid giving a hard date to avoid letting you all down again. I'm also going to be hoping and praying that the issue from last month doesn't repeat itself. I don't think I'd be able to go through that whole ordeal a second time.


  • Day 33 added for Jun
  • New CG art added

Download link (folder containing all versions of the update): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1G5s2F8cA8xtv3-BLIuByypcbBHmTUPX_&authuser=yukiicrm%40gmail.com&usp=drive_fs




I'm pretty sure everyone can be understanding with your situation man especially when it comes to tax documents and how much of a pain in the ass it is overall take time for yourself when you can don't let your project overwhelm you since you are the one creating this great VN for all of us all of us can be patient since we are only human as well and can only do so much in a short time just be proud that you got this out and take a little rest my friend I'm sorry for your situation I really hope it improves quickly!


I'm sorry you had such a rough month- it sounds like Nyaruh's been an absolute gem of a friend for you during this time. I really commend you for being able to still work on this project, and I really look forward to getting into it over the next couple days. Much love <3


I'm glad this stupid situation was finally resolved Basket. The last month sounds like it's been an absolute shitshow. Your dedication to this project and our enjoyment is truly laudable, so thank you so much for your perseverance. You're the best monsieur, and as the French say, bonne chance. :)

The Mysterious M3tav0X

I hope Jun whispering "rawr" into Yuuichi's ear at random times to screw with him becomes a thing. That'd be fun. :3


I'm glad that everything was resolved, I'm also Brazilian and I've been through something similar, I know how our government is extremely slow and inefficient in these things.


So this was all about taxes and declaration and stuff? No wonder! Taxes are the worst and the hardest part of trying to make a living! I'll forgive ~any~ delays because of this. /blows kiss. Me: Okay, I made this amount, my standard deductible is that amount, this is what I paid in, this is what I'm claiming, this is what I owe/get back. Good! I'm done! Government: Wait a minute, but what about this? And that? How much did you spend on "work"? How much was income? How much did you sell? How much did you donate? How much did you give a family member, who lent it to a friend, that lent it to a cousin, that lent it to a sister, that gave it to an aunt that you don't know, that claimed it as income, which traces back to you, 5 years later. Here's a form that is 100 pages long and fill out all of it. Oh, and sign it, have it notarized, prick your thumb and place a thumbprint in blood, and attach the 1000 other documents, receipts and post-it notes to prove everything you are declaring. I for one don't mind paying taxes, you bastards in the government don't know how to budget and spend it wisely! I've had to order a half million (US) in electronics before, for a project at work. By golly, they would fire me on the spot if I said it was $500,000.00 but I ended up only spending $470,000.00 then I took $30,000.00 and spent it on other projects. If the project quote is $500,000.00 and I only spent $470,000.00 on the hardware, that doesn't mean I have $30,000.00 to float around for other projects and supplies. That means I didn't spend $30,000.00 and the company can then go to the customer and say, "Whoops! We over charged you. Instead of keeping that $30,000.00, giving you a $30,000.00 credit in its stead, and spending it on other things... you know what? Here, take it back!". There is still unspent monies that was supposed to be for COVID, infrastructure, etc. Why is it unspent? Where is OUR return on OUR investment in the government that it confiscates in the form of taxes? And poor Peter. He keeps getting robbed to pay Paul. Sorry for the rant, I could go on, and on, and on. I'm truly sorry you've had to go through it. Having been through it myself, it is nothing I would wish on my worst enemy! And if I did, it would only be for a brief moment, having remembered back when it happened to me and what I went through. I pray that you never have to experience it again! Just know that we love you and your hard work that you pour into this story (and Nyaruh and her artwork, can't leave her out! :> ) and you have our support and best wishes! Except my chocolate. You have my support and best wishes but you can't have my chocolate! /fight


Ok, I loved this chapter, both the romance with our tiger and I Juuichi nor being as self centered as it seems when it comes to tennis. He could really make a great coach, if that is the groundwork you're laying. I mean, both him and the current coach seem aloof/ not attentive, yet actually pay attention. Also, it is a way for him to remain somewhat attached to tennis despite not playing himself. I'm sorry about your tax situation, and hope things go smoothly from here on out. I'm probably going to read Jun's route in its entirety again, with the new update. See you when the Shoichi (or was it Keisuke?) update drops!


The Jun update was so good! So glad to finally see good things happening to my fave tiger. 100% satisfied with this update.


damn really sorry all that happened to ya my man, sounds like a nightmare and a half. Much appreciate the update on everything, and I look forward to trying this update out. Looking forward to the Shoichi update and hopefully everything starts going smoothly for ya.

Sign Dhole

What a great update! And please please please take the time you need for yourself. That sounds like such a hellish month, I am certain everyone would prefer you have time to rest and recuperate than burn yourself out on this.