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Hello, everyone,

I'm a few hours late on this one, but I've just been getting hammered by problems the past few days. My laptop borked itself, just today I have two power failures while working, among other things.

This update is a bit on the shorter side. I did some changes under the hood (including a texting/phone messaging interface programmed by Melo, the programmer for the Psychic Connections VN, that'll allow me to actually show the messages the characters exchange among each other instead of just quoting them on the message box). Plus, since this one updates Shoichi's C path (the one where you fought with him really badly) and that one only has a single day before merging again for a while, it doesn't have much that I can include here.

Truth be told, I wanted to update the A, B and C paths all at the same time, but I wouldn't be able to release this much content in one sitting. I end up being in this weird place where it's too much content for one update, but a short for two. Oh well, I just hope that the amount of stuff added under the hood makes up for it.

At the very least, I'm happy to have managed to actually release this update on the correct date (kind of). Now, if you guys will excuse me, I need to crash and actually get some sleep.

Here's the changelog:

  • Day 30 added for Shoichi's C path
  • A new CG added showing the Michimiya family shrine
  • Expressions added for Atsushi and Yui
  • A phone messaging interface added

Links updated with hotfix. Whenever Ichigo talked, the game would crash because a Ren'Py update had taken over her variable in the code. 

PC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/kpw1wv8ftyuggek/TennisAce0.47-pc.zip/file
Mac: https://www.mediafire.com/file/akh2249hfgoex1h/TennisAce0.47-mac.zip/file
Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mpwoavs8v9k3rg7/TennisAce0.47-android.apk/file




Yeah Melo is pretty nice


so I just downloaded it for PC and no matter which dialogue options I choose, I keep getting an exception error in the middle of day 24. An exception has occurred. While running game code: Exception: Sayer 'i' is not defined Full traceback: File "Day24_Shoichi.rpyc", line 222, in script File "renpy/ast.py", line 680, in execute who = eval_who(self.who, self.who_fast) File "renpy/ast.py", line 574, in eval_who raise Exception("Sayer '%s' is not defined." % who) Exception: Sayer 'i' is not defined Windows-10-10.0.19041 Ren'Py Tennis Ace 0.47 Mon Feb 1 04:28:37 2021


The bulk of the text below my initial sentence is the whole error message. Hehe I full-on copied it word for word. I don't know what it means, but it kept popping up at the same spot on day 24 every time


Yeah, I found the issue and am uploading an updated demo. Turns out that, when I updated Ren'Py, it took over one of the variables I had previously created as a system-wide variable. So the character that was assigned to that variable was no longer recognized by the game and caused an error whenever she had to speak. I had to rename her variable for it to work again. The links with the fixed version should be up in a few minutes


Why did I check the patron feed right before my morning class?!?!?!?! AAAAAAA I can't wait to read the best boi's route again!!!! (even though it is route c umu)


Will this update (android version) have the same issue as the last one, where it wouldn't be recognized as the same app?


Is there any chance you can tell me the set of choices to get the C route for Shoichi?


which is route c

Kharnos Strayder

Guess I'll find out if I'm on the C route. We need a route guide.


Okay, so I don't know if just me but I keep having this problem. Can not find script file TennisAce0.47\lib\windows-x86_64\say.vbs


... eeerh am i just missing a story beat or does the C route end at day 29?


The same applies. Also, somewhere I've read that route C is like a bad route, but what I've got doesn't look like a bad route. Somewhat less ideal than the others, but not bad.


Idk Lyron, i assume WOTB would make it matter later down the line. Like Haru suggests MC might be underestimating the severity of things. Maybe it is just because it meshes into a neutral route or maybe the neutral route it the one where we get a fight and get over it and the true bad ending is the one where MC takes it on the cheek? so many options.


Might just be me but when I download the apk file for android and try installing it, it won't update/ app won't install. Was wondering if anyone else got this pop up or its something on my end


Why is this making me wish for a "total trainwreck" route, where Jun confesses feelings for Yuu right as the fighting with Shoichi gets to its worst point, and then somehow it works Keisuke in there too, and the drama just becomes too much?


eeerh if you got the last update 0.46 it was published on a different machine thus the ID wont be matching the regular app and then it cant update, you need to uninstall and reinstall if im not mistaken


That would be very interesting, also cause that's something I was hoping could be an option.


While it would certainly be interesting, it wouldn't really make sense from a storyline perspective since both Keisuke and Jun only developed feelings for Yuuichi as they started spending more time together one on one, and since the days that happens on overlap for each character it wouldn't line up. Granted you could potentially have Shoichi come clean about his feelings during one of the other two's route for a dramatic moment, but given that without the aforementioned one on one interactions (and without Haruki's intervention), Yuuichi likely wouldn't have the necessary epiphany about his own potential romantic feelings towards Shoichi, and as such the moment would end up with an unrequited love, and ultimately be more awkward than poignant.


Well, yeah... I never said it would make sense, only that the absolute trainwreck level of drama would be entertaining. Would make a fun easter egg route.


Pretty sure it's as follows (decided on day 26): A - You kept pushing and convinced him to reunite with his mother (need to have picked a specific set of prior choices to succeed) B - You didn't keep pushing him about it C - You kept pushing him about it and failed


That's why I named them the A, B, C routes and so on. The fans who played the start of the C routes called it a bad route. I just call it the C route. Also, I made a mistake when writing the changelog for this update. I did write Day 30 because, in total, there are 30 days so far. But I forgot to take into account that, if you are not on A route, a certain event doesn't happen. If that event doesn't happen, you don't get a certain Day 28. So what was released was actually Day 29 of C route. It would only be Day 30 if it were on A route. My apologies

Kharnos Strayder

Well. I convinced him. (Even had the reunion and everything) but still had the fight several days later. Yet I still got the new days even though the new days were for route c. Also stood up to his father for good measure.


Whenever I go to download, the link takes me to mediafire where it says nothing is there/something is missing. Am I doing something wrong? So far unable to get the newest version.


I had updated the download link for PC to get rid of the virus false positives that Ren'Py was causing. I posted it on a separate post, but forgot to update it here. Should be fixed now.


How do i get to this route? Ive tried a couple of times but i seem to get lost.


What choices do you need to make for the A route prior to 26?