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Okay. This one is kinda out of the blue cause I wasn't even planning on doing it now. 

I just decided to fiddle with it out of curiosity. I had tried to make an Android version a while ago and the UI was broken beyond repair, so I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and set myself to hire a programmer down the line to fix it. Well, while I got curious and fiddled with the code a bit, I apparently fixed it completely accidentally. As such... well, we now have an Android version. Refer to this post to see the list of changes encompassing this (as this is the 0.13 version): https://www.patreon.com/posts/17872473

I might have to fine-tune some stuff later on. Maybe make the text bigger or something of the likes. As it is now, it looks and plays pretty much exactly like the PC version. Still, hopefully this allows us to reach to a new userbase xD

Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ok5pyb76dj91clc/TennisAce-0.13-release.apk



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