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Hi Everyone--

I'm sorry that updates have been so thin on the ground in the past week or so-- I am working on a trove of great new stuff that will start to be posted next week. In the meantime, here's the Lauress sequence fully completed!



Alex Edwards

The soft lighting effect on the final Lauress picture is fantastic.


Lovely transformation sequence.Hayley's transformations are always a treat to behold and this one is no different.

Ketch Fiftyseven

Manic I love the sexy high heels that Haley is wearing with her uniform and how they manage to stay together well beyond the half way point of her transformation so we can see how hot the demi-Lauress's calves and legs look still wearing those heels before they eventually get crushed..

Thomas Stidman

Hayley fighting to hold back and embracing her power makes this an lovely and sexy piece,


Great job on the progression in both image and text with this!