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All the character files (being SFM, Fbx and Blender) will now be available just for the 5.00 Tiers. So this means I deleted the 7.00 tier, and the 15.00 Tier.
(Just overall Cheaper for most users, and It'll be huge organization to see how characters will now be in one post rather split from the 3. )

For future 10.00 Tier, I'll be giving my animations blender files. Alongside some tutorials or videos.

As you know, I just released the Shy Pals, they're just going to be the last 10.00 tier files, and the sfm may come tomorrow. I hope to have my animated project some time after that.
(other projects, will come out after, And it'll be a slow burn trying to organize every project.)  

I only have one Commission left, and then I'll be stopping them for a long while, because i'd like to focus on pushing out more animations, and tutorials. 

Thank you for supporting me. Means much. 


Entrusted Chen

As someone who wants to learn to make lewds this would be pretty nice


When is this going in effect ?