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Ah of course! It was so obvious, how could she forget, when dealing with politics always resort to wild promises you have no intentions of keeping!

“Okay class! How about this? Every time one of you votes for me my boobs will get bigger! Wait! My EVERYTHING will get bigger, whichever part you like best!”

The crowd is more confused than anything.... is she joking?...That’s not a thing...how would that be a thing?

“I-it’s true! See?” The Fennec stammers while in a cold sweat. “Just write which part of me you want to grow, on the ballot like this and then....uhhh....”.....



James Dougell

AHHH I LOVE HER SO MUCH Her adorable anxiousness and nervous cuteness is seriously amazing, I could watch her fret about stuff all day long

Coco Wren

It's totally a thing.


It's the fetish corollary to Murphy's Law. "Anything that CAN cause growth WILL cause growth."

Xarnak Ansar

Well that’s one way to call a bluff. X3