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Alright it’s time for her turn to talk to the students, this is the chance she’s been waiting for! Time to change things for the better! Time to make a difference! “Alright! Who’s ready for affordable, healthy meal options in the cafeteria!?”


Okay.... she had kind of hoped for more of a response...let’s see uh...fiscal responsibility?....Student parking...switching to renewable energy... Nothing.... The poor Fennec is in a tailspin, she’s shaken and can’t find a way to connect with the crowd. But these are important issues! She suddenly spies the principal encouraging her “Come on! Go big!”



Latrios (Coen van Haaster)

A part of me wants to declare how pointless such elections would be based on size and such... but my lovely Jessica is one of the contestants, so I shall remain silent on that regard...because I would totally vote for her X3

James Dougell

Goodness she's an adorable little wreck isn't she?


Boob growth please~! ;u;


Go big you say... :3

Xarnak Ansar

Aaaand cue growth hijinks! :D