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Howdy everyone,

Sephra again, another little update for you to let you know some of the stuff we've been up to; strange I know hearing from me so frequently but I hope to make more of a habit of it! And if not me then one of us at least; I'm the best pontificator of all of us though as you've probably realized, so here we go with my flowery paragraphs!

Firstly, is out, which is a fun thing to say, and you can pick it up from the Itch site currently; I attempted to write out the addition Tib's made to it but it fell far short, so here is a section from them explaining the change:


The game now implements a simple version checking system which will check if Itch has a newer version of the game. If one is found, a new button will appear in the main menu. However, to make your life easier, you can download the itch app and get Predation through it, so the game will always get updates automatically, but this is entirely optional. (Also here's the itch site: https://hornedlizardstudios.itch.io/predation )


We'll still be putting up versions elsewhere of course, but with this version from Itch you'll be able to keep more closely up to date with smaller versions that don't have big new things for you to try out; give it a go, see if you like!

While they've been making all that magic happen I've been working on another big animation that involves three participants this time, including Amber; I haven't had much experience with animating or even pixel drawing these larger ones but darn if it isn't fun working it out!

In other news I can more easily show to all of you, the 3D apartment is about finished too:

Now, as you may have noticed, I'm not that familiar with 3D map making yet! I am pretty proud of how it's looking so far though, and it's not 100% complete but that just means me obsessing over minor details for days to try and get it closer to the 2D version; no change there then!

Right, that's about it, remember to go check that new launcher out on Itch if you'd like and we will see you again shortly for another update; maybe you'll get to walk through this implausibly large apartment yourself even!




Sounds awesome. is there a link to this Itch site please? oh wait i found it!