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Sephra here for another update on how things have been going of late; pretty good on the whole!

Tib's been working on moving Predation over to the Godot engine and their preferred programming language of C#, and already it's looking to have some good advantages over GM2; I'm not overly knowledgeable on these things but this 4.0 iteration combined with this plugin they've got going has cut out so much of the chaff from the coding process as far as I understand it, and should make for a more smooth, stable running of things on the whole! If you do want some more detail Tib posts updates pretty regularly on the Discord  ( https://discord.gg/HornedLizardStudios ); make sure you pick the role that pings you when they do update, if you're of the coding persuasion it'll be interesting stuff no doubt!

They've recently come back from hosting a successful NFC panel on just that actually, so any queries on programming related stuff they would be happy to discuss; and I'm not just saying that either they confirmed it to me xD

As for me it's been almost entirely the animations, you know the kind, and trying desperately to not over-detail it; as you might tell I'm not exactly succeeding, but the frames are coming out all the same and I'm pretty happy with it thus far! I'd give you a preview but... well I can show the top half of one:

Big guys give big hugs!

Couple of other designs too for NPCs / potential enemies:

Wonder what the 'P' stands for

I guess the theme this time is Emergency Services xD these designs are a bit more in keeping with the game's atmosphere in their original forms, but I'm sure you get an idea of what I was going for either way; the firefighter (courtesy of Zero, btw) has a little surprise around the belt area however ;)

We're aiming to have a test build out for this new version by the end of the month, and I'll hopefully be most of the way done with this animation by then so we can finally get toward a new enemy!

Thanks once again for sticking around and reading, and we look forward to bringing you more soon ^^




big hugs are the best!