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A quick thing from me Vero / Tib! I've been mostly fixing bugs that others mentioned or I discovered myself, and hopefully quite a few things will be fixed by the time we release for our supporters, not just the testers! ALSO! BIG NEWS FOR LINUX USERS! Thanks to a recent update to the engine we use, we'll now be distributing Predation as an AppImage! This should make it much easier to play the game on any distro, not just Debian based ones! That's all! Thank you all~ Vero/Tib

And a quick thing from me Sephra! Hope you've all been enjoying what we've put together, as Vero's said stuff is being fixed all the time to get out a more polished product out to you and doing Linux stuff that I have very little understanding of but hope to learn more about with her tutelage! I'm back on the ol' animation trenches, TNG being a very useful ally in this, with most focus on level 2 but some other fun little extras to scatter about; just because level 1's completeable doesn't mean we're not going to be putting more fun stuff in! 

We hope you continue to enjoy playing, among other things, and thank you all again for sticking with us and allowing us to make things happen ^^




<p style="color: #008600;">Great! I wish you to fix all the bugs before the release. And may your work flow smoothly</p>