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 Hello all! It's been silent recently and I need to address why.
After the release of the gallery version, Which was delayed on FA,i'm sorry. Me and sprrigs sat down for awhile and looked over what we have done here for predation. We were not happy with ourselves. We aren't talking about the game itself, more of how we treated everyone else. We left everyone in the dark, not really giving much details to what's happening.

We both agree that this has to change.

We both agree that the community has to be informed as to what's going on.

To assist with this me and sprrigs have come up with a plan to get ourselves back on track.

Sprrigs will be taking over a lot of the social aspects of the project for a while, I’ve never been the most social person, meanwhile he seems like a natural at talking.
I'll actually be letting him take over for the remainder of this, so he can get the point across more.

Hello all!
Both me and sephra are sorry for our lack of involvement in the community. We have gone quiet quite a few times, and haven't always been involved. As sephra said, this needs to change. Me and him have come up with a few changes that will shake things up, hopefully for the better.

The first change will be a change to Patreon. We haven't ironed out all the kinks yet so it might not be here for a few more days. But we have a few large changes coming to the tier system.

Mostly, we wanted to change how we interact with everyone. Communication is key. To make sure we never lose that key. We will be producing a roadmap for every upcoming update to predation. This will also be coming out soon, as we haven't yet finalized the graphic.

To add onto the roadmap, I will be maintaining a dev diary of sorts. Every 2 weeks, I will release one of these development books. It will showcase what we are doing with Predation,
These will be coming out every Monday starting tomorrow.
They will be featured on Discord, Patreon, and Furaffinity.

For now these should help set us back on the right track and should help you know more about what's going on with amber and the crew.
If you have any questions, Please message me on discord through the server or through dm, @sprrigs#7056.
Get ready for those new updates coming soon

I’ll be seeing y’all around



You make efforts to make things better, so kudos to that. Plus, more communication will certainly equate with more visibility, and more patrons.