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Well that was fun!

Not only did I do some streaming, but I even used my headset and talked to people! Didn't think I'd be doing that any time soon, but it was fine! Everyone was very friendly and encouraging, and I definitley plan to make it a regular occurence to give you all some more content to at least watch in betwen updates!

I'd write more about progress, but beyond the animation being a consistently fun and challenging process there's not too much to tell; plus I've gotten a headache from being too close to the screen again I think, so I'll just say thank you very much to everyone that took a look! You'll get to hear my deep British voice as I talk utter nonsense and sprite things I can't even mention here! I'll be streaming whatever I'm working on at the time, but of course that means it's going to be NSFW by default, just to give fair warning.

Goodnight everyone, hope to see you soon!



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