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Hey everyone,

I've given up trying to think of different introductions to this so if anyone asks it's endearing, right?

Hope you've all been doing well so far in 2019 and that none of you have been hit too hard by this polar vortex thing sweeping the states; makes the paltry amount of snow we've recieved over the last couple of days seem like nothing! I'd reccomend not going outside, I've seen what happens when thermite touches ice and I'd hate for the same chemical process to occur with you; like that bit in Time Cop where Van Damme judo-kicks a guy's arm off after spraying it with liquid nitrogen. That was a weird movie.

Anyway! For those of you still dextrous enough to navigate here I've got a slightly belated thing for you, in the sense that its been on discord and FA for a couple of days, but I thought I'd write a post while I was sitting here like a vulture waiting for the money to roll in!

Looks like Amber's been a naughty girl! Bet you're surprised eh?

Thought I'd whip this up to try and provide more SFW material for people to look at that's actually entertaining; I realise my page here isn't the most exciting but for safety's sake I keep any adult references for FA and discord, and as a result the stuff I'm working on most frequently isn't really able to be shown here. I'm sure you've all surmised as much anyway but I'd rather say than not xD

I want to try and make up some more documents like this from time to time, other in-game lore items to flesh out the world I wanna create; I get so focused on the minutea of sprite animating I sometimes for get the amount of power I have to build something I find cool, and if there's one thing I believe it's that games like this are all the better for the context and immersion! I'm basically trying to backward engineer John Carmack's old quote of plots in games being like plots in porn; you're right Mr Carmack, you god among men, but I intend to prove that you can have a porn with a story just as easily as you can have a game with one!


Anyway, enough of my rambling; the pharmacy worker's animation continues to progress smoothly and is midway through the scissoring part of the second loop! I'm spending a lot of time on the first grind so I can make the body movements look nice and detailed like we all like, then replicate that first loop and re-work that to hopefully give her a couple of different types of brush-stroke, if you get my meaning! Depending on how long it takes I could get 3+ different variations there and have the game randomize which one loops, ideally anyway, but we'll have to see if that's something I should save for later.

Once this animation is finished off that'll be all the existing enemies in the game complete with their two animations, and all my ducks will be in a row to take a nice deep dive into the murky pond of Coding; I'm happy to say though that's a poor metaphor, now that the lovely Byful has given me an engine that wasn't assembled with toothpicks and desparation! 

Getting back into the code is going to be fun, I can feel it already and I'm very excited by it! Lot of things I aim to do, not least make the new other platform area and finish the level up to the boss (it won't have him yet of course, but I'd like to get at least a wall plan to run around aimlessly in); I also want to go in and get reaaaally perfectionist with the mechanics, getting the game to feel like I think it should feel; I can't describe how much fun I anticipate that to be, can you imagine if you could just do that with a game? I'm being paid to awnser questions to myself I've been asking since I was 5, truly this is a beautiful time to be alive xD

SO yeah, expect some cool stuff on the way! Thank you one and all once more for your continued support, either monetary or verbal or both, I can guarantee this would not in any way be a thing were it not for you all, and now I get to brag at you about it to boot ^=^ ...Please don't leave xD


(Also here's the mugshot coz I'm dang proud of this one! probably going to make a new lookin' banner out of it too! Oh dang I'm gonna do that now!)





*boopeh leh snooteh*


She sounds like a handful. Or pawful.


February 29th 2995? Its funny because 2995 isn't a leap year lol