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Hello again everyone,

Sephra writing, thought I would put a quick update out on the things we've been up to lately; has been longer than I realized since posting, sorry about that, but the work has been going on as usual all the same!

The both of us took some time out to attend NFC over in Sweden at the end of last month, first con I've actually been to, and though I'm more cut out for the sorts of holidays where you go look at buildings and museums (which I also did, was very good) I enjoyed myself a lot and it was neat to see our kinfolk out and about! Tib also seemed to enjoy themselves greatly, and we've now met and hugged and all that too which was wonderful ^^

And upon getting back, after a few days of my first con flu as well, we got back to working on what we had beforehand; namely the movement and combat parts of the game. Tib's been doing all the technical stuff as you can imagine, pathfinding and working out the AI stuff involved in that, and while they've been moving along with that I've been working at expanding the enemies' animated actions; namely jumping and falling for each of them to compliment their new abilities to pursue Amber, and some enemy specific new moves too like perhaps some enemies will be able to reach where others can't, that sort of thing, and some new combat moves too to spice things up.

Some examples for you!

So for these new expanded things we're going to be giving Amber more moves too, which is the other area I've been working on that I can show off:

As well as generally continuing the theme of expanding Amber out (heh) animations-wise:

Low health idle variant and:

High uh...you know what variant!

So yes, the next version of things should be a lot more fun to play, as well as having a lot more fun elements to look at xD

Have a good evening everyone,



jackie chewing gum

That spinning back kick better be devastating.

Emanuel kasson

I am curious as to how far along the next version is. It looks like you've practically reworked most of the game. I love it. But I know true art takes time, hence the question.


It's definitely coming along, I'd like to say we're a good way along to be able to start putting new stuff out there once the mechanics are all worked out; but specifically speaking I couldn't tell you really, I'm hoping soon enough, and that it'll be a pretty dramatic improvement too ^^ certainly gameplay wise but i'm hoping the graphical reworking will add to it too, but yes the ins and outs of the coding are something I'd have to ask Tib about xD -S