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I've ran an identical poll over at Discord if you'd like to vote on it there, of course.

Important poll and important thing to read, read before voting


In recent weeks, we've had a LOT of people tell us to do the two following things;

- Don't release the game until it's at least 99%/mostly complete
- Don't give release dates anymore, just release it when it's ready

We've wanted to stick to release dates as strongly as possible, obviously, despite missing them repeatedly due to a combination of;

- Wanting to make sure the game is actually high quality/refining things as needed
- Our own bad assumptions of how long things would take to do
- IRL things (family, health, things out of our control)
- Three people doing 20+ different jobs each/our two audio guys doing thousands of SFX and hours of music

Notably, despite what people have assumed repeatedly, scope creep is NOT one of these reasons; we haven't added onto what we wanted to do for the game in 4+ years & we've cut out LOTS of planned content.

However, due to a combination of three other factors...

- Us not wanting to release the game incomplete (even if it puts us even MORE in debt)
- Said large amounts of people repeatedly telling us to wait until it's finished
- Steam telling us they'll ban us if we keep submitting with builds not as complete as they'd like; this is the scariest reason

...we're considering doing what people have frequently asked, and delaying the release until it's ready to submit without a chance of being rejected/almost entirely complete.


For the record, here's what's still missing in the existing build; the WRITING and/or VOICEWORK for these things are done, but they haven't been injected in-game yet.

  • All Faye scenes outside of electric
  • All Game Over scenes outside of Electric
  • Boss transitions (start/end of fight cutscenes)
  • Blurbs/cutscenes during the True Final Boss fight
  • Start of level events explaining the level mechanics for Earth and The End levels
  • All unique NPC cutscenes, save for 2 or 3 of them that're in
  • All "collected a fragment" scenes and h-scenes accompanying them outside of Electric and The end
  • Gold Databanks
  • Throne Room cutscenes
  • Secret endings
  • The enemy/level/object glossaries
  • All NPC cutscenes in Earth and The End

Additionally, there's gameplay mechanics still not in, like;

  • Gaining +3 Violence for each NPC killed (affects cutscenes)
  • Gaining or losing Sexuality when having sex with/refusing sex from enemies
  • Colorblind mode
  • Finishing polish on the True Final Boss fight
  • Sound effects in and linked to a number of things (100+ of these)
  • Numerous bugs left to fix (150+)

The main reason why these things aren't IN-GAME yet is the reason noted above; we're a very, very small team.

If I'm injecting cutscenes, I can't write scripts. If I'm writing, I can't rip audio. If I'm on audio, I can't inject cutscenes.

And if I'm doing any of those, I can't market, bugtest, reply to questions, handle finances, write voice direction docs for VAs, etc.


We'd personally estimate sometime in January to submit again, but that wouldn't be an actual confirmed release date.

It'd just be an estimate.


So, after reading all that, here's four selections on the poll, split between two questions. You can pick multiple choices, so please vote for two things (once for each question).

QUESTION 1 - When should we release the game?

QUESTION 2 - Should we give a release date?

Yes, give us an exact or nearly exact date as to when we should expect the release

Don't give release dates, just say it'll be done when it'll be done (*Or until I run out of finances, whichever comes first, as I can only sell so much after my car/other valuables.)*



Personally Id like it if you just released it. Then I can decide for myself if I think its worth playing in its current state or not

Mikhael Beauparlant

I said it before and i'll say it again. You have one chance to release, it's not the next COD, it's a specific product. Give us the best! Take your time and put lots of love into it. I really appreciate your transparency and communication. I speak for myself but I would like a little picture of our main girl added to the report, doesn't have to be a gif or anything, just a tease..


It's just hard to add anything to it that isn't a spoiler or that hasn't already been seen before, is all, but I'll try to figure out something.

Mikhael Beauparlant

It's alright, don't trouble yourself too much. The idea wasn't to get a spoiler or anything, just to get a image of the our main girl. Could be an older picture or something.. I'm just the type who likes a little eye candy (doesnt mean anything R18) Thx for the reply


Most assuredly a fan of its done when its done. As Beuparlant mentioned above, you get one real chance at first impressions on steam for launch and I'd prefer you can put your best most complete foot forward. Now I return to lurking.


I would of said just release it and update it when you can... until I saw how much is actually missing. I have been keeping up with your progress reports, but like ALL Faye scenes arent in? I had the impression it was bells and whistles that were still pending. Considering this definitely wait and release when it's actually done. It seems like a significant amount of the content isn't in yet.


I'd prefer you release it when it's finished, whenever that deadline is is fine for me. Would it be possible to cut some kind of demo or something for patrons? That way we have something to play while we wait since it's been such a long time. I realize this may not be possible but figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Either way I'd say just release whenever steam won't give you grief.


Wait until you can present something to Steam that will get accepted. You've done a lot of amazing work, and it deserves to be seen by the world. Don't jeopardize that because a vocal minority here or on Discord are dissatisfied. Do what has to be done now, and try to do better next time. That's all any of us can do.


The problem with cutting a demo for backers is that it's just gonna be full of spoilers/events, and it'll inevitably leak, which would do damage itself, also. I know that sucks, but if we wanna wait until it's finished, that'd be something that could damage that too.


The writing and such is done for a lot of that stuff on the list, it's just not in-game, which still takes time to get it in there. There's not really a way to convey that on a single progress report screen without misunderstandings happen, but that's my mistake for not conveying that better.


I've been waiting for years to play this game, because I'm interested in the feature-complete product.


Well. You need to start building release candidates at least to keep supporters for next project.,

Nathan Phoenix

As long as we get a update once or twice a month on progress I don't care how long it takes, I'll keep supporting. Guesstimating dates is the best you can do unless you have released a lot of games before... That being said it would be cool if you could put out a 100% done prologue/first level for patreons or something sometime.


I'm in the same boat as most people. I've supported this far. Last thing I want is for you to drop a sub-par game just because you're trying to hit dates. I know you're a small team and I've taken that into account when choosing to support you, knowing full well that you'll most likely miss deadlines. You're all first time devs. At this point, I do want a more complete game regardless of how much longer it takes, BUT, on the flip side I don't want anyone to lose their homes or anything due to mounting debt and lack of funds. Use your best judgement. And I guess try to get the game to an acceptable level that Steam will be happy with, then push it out.


What about a new demo for everyone that's already eligible for the full release? It'd be a nice way to split the difference. For the sake of Steam, you definitely don't want to give an official release until it's completely done so that they don't ban you. (Although that seems weird, given how much junk and infuriatingly forever-"Early Access" games are on there... guess NSFW games get extra oversight or something.) But I for one would like to check out some kind of current or at least very recent build. I'm pretty forgiving for bugs and such, so I don't care if it's unfinished at this point. Progress reports are appreciated, but after so much time it'd be nice to actually see something more concrete. Other than that though, I'd definitely stop bringing up set dates or even estimates unless you're *absolutely certain beyond a shadow of a doubt* that it'll be released then. Nothing kills these kinds of projects like constant delays. As long as you're posting progress reports, most people will generally stay interested and understanding. It's those pesky announced-then-missed deadlines that turn people off more than anything, I think.


Pretty disappointed that almost a week before you were to resubmit the game to Steam, you say ANOTHER pushback is happening. Stop with the dates. Just stop. I understand you are a small team - but holy hell that's A LOT of missing stuff!! The progress reports gave us the feeling like things are almost done but then we get this bomb dropped on us. I voted to release it now - but it would probably be better to actually wait until the MAJORITY of that missing stuff is implemented. The game is going to be great, but I'm really disappointed in the communication to the audience. I'm still going to support it, especially since I've done so this long. But please, going forward be more transparent so everyone is aware of the ACTUAL current status of the game.


My thoughts exactly. Just a new demo would be fine, or maybe some kind of Early Access version for patrons who donated up to $20 or more. Release the full game when it's ready on Steam, with everything in it, but give patrons something new to play.


We have noted publicly, and on Discord as well, and even other places like forums, many many times that if we were to release on the 30th as planned, that the game would be missing a significant amount of content. This was also noted in a few progress reports, as well. We also noted that were we to release on Steam now, that we would need to spend the next 2-3 months getting the game to a "all core content complete" state. That all said, all this content listed is partially complete; it just needs to actually be implemented "in-game". Imagine having a building you have to build, but you have all the supplies, workers, diagrams/blueprints, and so on ready, as well as the framework of the building already built; now you just need to assemble those parts into the house. That's where we're at with those things up above. When the progress reports said stuff was getting done, that was talking about those *particular* things, not "the game as a whole". To list the current state of each item in the game would require a progress report 40+ pages long each time, which would result in lots of valuable production time being eaten up weekly. So, that's why we summarized things when we did the reports. It's the same reason we stopped doing demos; it eats up a lot of time to do things like that.


There's a few problems with doing a new demo; 1) We would need to make it "player-ready", which would eat up significant production time to do so. 2) There are a lot of spoilers present in practically any level we could release, which would inevitably leak, ruining it for others who may stumble on it. 3) We'd be hit with a lot of feedback and requests/reports on things, which we'd then need to answer/reply to, which would again take away from production time. 4) We'd like to avoid another demo, without context, floating around the internet (and it would definitely get leaked), which would result in more people going "huh??? this game has been in production this long and this single level is all they've got done for the latest version?" as has happened many, many times. However, even if none of those were an issue, the last reason is the biggest one. 5) Releasing a demo like this to backers, would almost certainly be a violation of the Steam release parity rules; https://twitter.com/glassbottommeg/status/1170756177111633920 which would get us potentially kicked off of Steam, as Steam would not have "the latest version" of the game despite us having a store page up, and we certainly wouldn't want any single level of the game (or even the game as a whole) to be the public demo on Steam per the missing content. -------------------- NSFW games do indeed get extra oversight; it's even listed in the Steamworks rules. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/review_process Ctrl+F "adult". And yep, we do plan to never do release dates ever again until the game is ready to go, both for Future Fragments and for games afterwards, as well. We did them in good faith, and we WERE confident we could meet them, but with a team our size there's just too much instability that can happen, while wanting to stay dedicated to a level of quality within the game.