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Not gonna lie, E3 kind of distracted us this week; that said, everything is finally going back to normal. (That FF7 remake reveal though, huh? Holy fuck, still amazed at that one.) ----------------------- Cheshire's gotten the following done: Well, this was kind of the worst week possible for Cheshire; he got a lot sicker from the allergy stuff than Triangulate or I did, and he had to take a pretty severe dose of allergy medicine. When he was in this state, he uh, kinda accidentally overwrote his last week's worth of work, with the previous week's worth of work. So this week was basically spent (on Cheshire's end) redoing that week's worth of work, so he's back up to where we were last week, but yeah, we all apologize for that; accidents happen! ----------------------- On the flipside, it's not like we didn't get anything done, as Triangulate got the following done: -NEW BACKGROUNDS Triangulate's done a wholly new background for the boss battle and he's working on a new background for the latter half of the level, to break things up some visually. -NEW TILES We can't really say what these are as they're a gameplay spoiler, but they're background/foreground tiles specific to the boss battle, and they're animated, -BOSS GAME OVER ANIMATION 100% FINISHED Triangulate got the orgasm animation, the last part of the boss animation finished! -MORE MAGE B STUFF Her running animation is fully colored and done! -BOSS NORMAL SEX ATTACK ANIMATION He's been working on an animation for when the boss causes something to fuck Talia, but this is just a temporary setback to Talia during the battle (not the game over animation, which is something entirely different). ----------------------- Hentaiwriter got done: -MEETING WITH PEOPLE AT E3: This week was pretty busy for me marketing/networking-wise, meeting with people at E3 to discuss deals and working on all that stuff, etc. -DIALOGUE FOR BOSS ANIMATION I'm about 99% finished with the boss animation dialogue, just doing a few touch ups here and there. On my end, I couldn't really do much either, as I'm still waiting on Cheshire to finish up the upgraded demo build's engine so I can knock out maps on it, but that shouldn't take longer than another few days. :) Also going to finally start on the Ice Enemies this next week too (as in, lore and so forth). Thanks again for staying pledged, we're still aiming to get this upgraded demo out either by the end of June or within a week or two into July! I promise it'll be worth it, too :D dat boss animation...



Oof, poor Cheshire...


Feel better Cheshire! You rock!


I hope Cheshire gets better soon, wasting and having to redo a week's worth of work... I think I would be punching the walls after that one :/ Great news aside from that little setback, just give us the boss already! *drools*


Get well soon Cheshire! Damn, half of me wants sneaky peeks at the boss, but the other half says "NAH DUDE SURPRISE BRO"