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So since people miiight be getting this wrong or not clearly understanding what we mean by game over CG, here's another clarification; Currently, when you lose in Future Fragments (your life is at 0 HP), Talia is knocked out, and enemies can initiate a secondary sex animation with her, then when done, other enemies can come over, do the same, etc. You can then pick to continue from the last save point (or on easy mode, from the beginning of the room you "died" in), or return to the title screen. With "game over" CGs implemented, you would instead have a choice of "continue? yes/no?". If you pick yes, you respawn, etc. If you pick no, the game over CG would then appear (so no, they wouldn't be replacing anything in-game or any animations), dependent on what enemy last fucked Talia. These CGs would not be animated, but they would have some text and possibly some dialogue and so forth, a variation or two, etc. They would also be VERY VERY VERY structured by us, where we (and by we, I mean Triangulate, Cheshire, and myself, and no one else) would be picking the poses, facial expressions, backgrounds, and just about everything in between, to make sure it fits the feel of the game and so forth. Finally, like the in-game animations, if you beat a given level, you would unlock ALL of that level's game over CG in the gallery, without the need to have lost to see any of them. (As a note, YummyTiger and a few others suggested having in-game CGs, but I feel having a full screen in-game CG with the art style being different than Triangulate's, even if we went with just one artist, would be too jarring; with a game over thing, it would be a clean change from one art style to another as the game would be "ending" effectively, screen fades to black between the change, all that.)



This seems a great idea, especially rewarding players with all the cutscenes at the end of the level. Will there be a gallery mode with not only all the cg stills, but also the sex animations implemented into the final product?