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Our rewards are not enough to thank you for supporting us. Your pledge keeps up going and will make the site better for everyone who visits. We thank you, they thank you, and so does the community of home theater enthusiasts who care about physical media.

You're a special kind of awesome.

Soon (within 12 hours, likely much sooner), you'll receive an invite to our NAS server. While new screens are posted direct to Patreon, our NAS holds ALL of our screens for your perusal.

Oh, if you don't see what you're looking for? Reach out. You can request anything and we'll do our best to fulfill it. In the meantime, feel free to join our Discord server for updates, general movie chat, and whatever else might be going on: https://discord.gg/HM7rZz

Thank you again, and I look forward to you being part of our community.
Added: 2023-02