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Summary of InvestAnswer's Posts Date: 30 January 2023  - 31 January 2024  Trading and Investing:

  • Safer Portfolio:

IA was asked about allocations from someone who was 95% SOL.  He proposes a better balanced portfolio comprising 30% BTC, 20% ALTs like SOL, 30% TSLA, and 10% BTC proxies and miners thru 2024 and plan a shuffle end of year depending on how the bull market goes. NFA - this is still a VERY HIGH RISK portfolio. 

  • Option Leaps:

IA recommends options that comprise half intrinsic value and half time value with an expiration period of 12-18 months.

You sell short term call options - you buy long term call options that are somewhat in the money. 

  • Rate Cuts:

IA highlights the necessity for rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, citing a parabolic projection on Federal interest payments. ⁠Else we are heading for 3 Trillion in interest payments which would be 4 times the defense budget and over 60% of all taxes.  

  • Delaware Case:

IA expresses strong dissatisfaction with the Delaware court's ruling regarding Musk's compensation package, suggesting that if upheld, it would erode trust in any exec compensation plan. IA provides detailed thoughts on the case in a full substack.  The Specter of Delaware Overreach - https://investanswers.substack.com/p/tesla-specter-of-delaware-overreach

  • BTC ETFs:

The ⁠bitcoin spot ETFs have already snatched up 150,500 #BTC  in just 12 trading days.  They are buying at a rate of over 12,000 BTC per day.  900 BTC per day being issued.  ETFs sucking 13x daily issuance. After halving in 80 days, it will be 26x daily issuance!

  • BTC vs GOLD ETFs:

Investors are dumping GOLD ETFs to swap for Bitcoin spot ETFs  


Electricity usage from mining operations represents 0.6% to 1.5% of all the country’s demand in 2023.  Bitcoin network globally uses around 77 TWh per year, annual electricity consumption of air conditioning is estimated to be around 2,100 TWh, while the annual electricity consumption of clothes drying is around 100 TWh.

Locations where Bitcoin is mined in USA! Note these places are all close to renewables! 


IA shares readiness to purchase JUP at 51 cents. His average cost is now about 62-63 cents. 



James what is your drawdown on you TSLA SL's


https://www.facebook.com/share/p/AdKyNgcqC6NBvio4/?mibextid=WC7FNe Is this a threat to Tesla?