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Wealth distribution is important to understand because it can significantly impact on society. A society with high levels of wealth inequality can experience several negative consequences like poverty, polarization and civil unrest. 

If you want to stand out and succeed, you cannot follow the crowd.

Some key stats which are stunning from a Harvard Business professor and economist who asked more than 5,000 Americans how they thought wealth was distributed in the United States.

  • 92% of Americans believe wealth should be more evenly distributed
  • The distribution of wealth in the US is highly skewed, with the top 1% owning more than the bottom 90% combined
  • Wealth inequality has been growing in recent decades
  • Factors contributing to wealth inequality include tax cuts for the wealthy, financial industry deregulation, and decline of unions
  • The top 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 90%
  • The share of income for the top 1% has nearly tripled in the last 30 years
  • The top 1% owns half of the country's stocks, bonds, and mutual funds
  • The bottom 50% owns only half a percent of these investments
  • On average, a worker needs to work over a month to earn what a CEO makes in one hour

Here are some charts

What people think is ideal, what they think it is and what the actual reality is. 

92% of people think this is the wealth distribution

This is the actual reality of distribution, and it does not even fit on the chart.... The top 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 90% - The top 1% owns half of the country's stocks, bonds, and mutual funds



Thank you! Sad but true. And obviously all crypto is just making inequality worse. In a system with high inequality, everyone loses and everyone is worse off. We get high crime, short lifespans, drug use, stress, obesity, "American ugliness", competing with the neighbors in the stupidity race, moneycare instead of healthcare, worse than worthless violently expensive education and so on. What's the reward for killing yourself to become rich, only to find that the good life in the US is so ludicrously expensive? And with the same talents and effort, that same person would live better and safer in a developing nation these days.


Ok, I'm standing on my soap box. I came from a communist counrty ( really didnt want to make that known!) We were considered the wealthy class. we were stripped of everything, even our famiy nanny dog right in front of my 5 yr old sister, who is still mained from that! Nobody except the com party had any food even to buy. We excaped with just the clothes on our back. We made it to a place that offered nothing, no social wealthfare etc, but a chance to be free... free to work, free to carve your future. My mother was only 28, single with 4 kids under 10 in a strange city. When she died 50 yrs later as a millionre. My point is yes things look unfair and awful but goverment is NOT the answer. Do fear whenever they want to HELP! I'll crawl back in the hole now. Thx


I am constantly amazed at how numb the general population is, years of living close to poverty, now incredible gas prices, food costs, housing increases, violence everywhere you turn and no one registers their dissatisfaction at the ballot box. The result is more misery continued existence close to poverty.


There's a great website btw - I found it via EllioTrades (not shilling for him if you're not a fan, but you'll love this site). It's called "WTF Happened in 1972?" It illustrates exactly when this spread started to grow - and why. James will fully agree with what it is saying. It aligns with his message about the Fiat Regime: https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/


An entire video could be based on this site's charts alone. IJS.


If that's how it is in US, I can imagine how a Brazilian wealth distribution chart would look like 🥲


Thank you.


James, your post has generated some excellent comments from members! I am enjoyung reading everyones thoughts on this subject.


Those in power prey on your fear. Most have a fear of a little suffering so they’ve learned to live with less and less. You get what you settle for.


I'm just waiting and hoping that the zombies are the slow kind and not the fast ones. I can't run fast for long.


Yea the federal reserve central bank system really sucks for the average citizen. It is all designed to keep that 1% in the 1%. #endthefed


https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/. James, have you seen this? Figured the charts and data would be right up your alley... If so, wtf did happen?


That's incredible. That chart puts it in perspective.


We are living in a 2nd Guilded Age. Have been for some time. Not sure what it will take for people to wake up. But it will lead to a 2nd Progressive Age. Already starting in some ways. If history rhymes that is.


James These are important data for all to be aware of. Obviously these tie in directly to the mission of helping all in the community. Asymmetric investment opportunities IMHO do offer life changing potential. And James is always offering responsible caution wrt allocations - never ignore this. The USA was the 4th passport I collected, decades ago. I can actually contrast reality in (some) other places with the privilege the USA has previously enabled for MANY that elect to apply themselves. Perhaps the data in the post is incomplete - if we also expose taxes paid vs horizontal axis it may add additional color? A random personal story from more than a decade ago in the usa, and recognizing past country\continent experiences. I gave a used car (yes - $0 cost to them) to a person in what they felt was an adverse retail store manager position. It likely could have lasted another 70-100k miles with regular maintenance - regular maintenance was my only request to the recipient. A year later I heard a sob story about the engine seized - the person hadn't bothered to change the oil, or check coolant.....!!!!!!! NEVER AGAIN. I KNOW (this person told me their age and that they DESERVE 'the American Dream') that the delusional privilege of living in the USA framed unrealistic expectations 15+ years ago. I truly hope others have greater wisdom, but I have not yet seen the framework of hope that would allow me to see my example above as a random statistical outlier...


99.9% of Americans agree on the problem. You'd have to be crazy not to. It's the solution that people don't agree on. All the attempts at solving it seem to just make it worse.


This is not shocking, because I already know most of it. Society as a whole feels broken. In America especially, politics keeps people fighting over nonsense, distracted, while all the wealth is funneled to that 1%. The entirety of the economic system is stacked in favor of those who already have wealth.


It’s a shame that a 2 party system in the States makes things much more polarised. The principle of fair wealth distribution and empowering workers through unions points more to the left though many people are phobic about that and quick to call it socialism/communism.


Because people are manipulated to bicker with each other over stupid culture wars, and compete over the crumbs.


Sad situation and other countries like UK heading to same. No easy answers either. Even BTC owned a lot by rich but at least way open for everyone to have some


lol, beating the bush in the post and in the comments too. there is one cause for these obscene inequalities around us, and that is CAPITALISM. this system fuels and thrives on inequality. so, until this does not change radically, there will be no real change. the 1% will not let go of what they have, knowing that they are in control of the system, so this change will obviously not come in a friendly or peaceful way. I just don't understand how the 99% does not get it and realize how powerful they are TOGETHER. I like what I saw on the streets of Paris, and I hope that those sparks will one day light a way bigger fire!


As Gerald Celente says, it´s a big club and you ain´t in it


@ james pretty much the same in poorer EU countries such as Greece, Portugal and the new member states. Added corruption to the equation and it us abismal. Low pensions of 260 euros. Seasonal jobs on partime basis, lack of housing because owners raise prices to be able to run AB&Bs. Recently read that in Portugal 75% of the population earn less than 900 euros a month gross.


where are these charts from?


Sorry to say it James but from seeing it first hand, people are not prepared to learn or listen. Easier to just blame the world and of course blame that 1% ☹


Sad 😔 fact


And take to the streets to make a change. One does need to burn cars for that. Im Denmark people beat pans for 9 days to abolish obligatory vacc. The People won. A country, belongs to the people. Politicians are appointed by the people to serve the people and NOT to abuse powers. includes politicians. In Switzerland most decisions are the fruit of referendums.