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Deep dive into how #StockDilution works and the impact on share price, and the conclusion of whether it is good or bad. Using #MicroStrategy issuance of $500 million in Equity to buy a bitcoin as a case study. 

Live at noon PT! @saylor $MSTR  https://buff.ly/3qB0Sht


How Stock Dilution Works + impact of BTC purchase on MSTR

microstrategy $MSTR #StockDilution #ShareholderDilution #Bitcoin #arbitrage



I thought they were just selling shares they own. Not issuing new shares. I also saw a tweet last night (thailand time) saying MSTR had bought a bunch of BTC though I cannot remember how many now. I thought the timing strange as I didn't think they had issued/sold the shares yet. Perhaps it was an unrelated purchase? Or a bullshit tweet (god forbid)?


Where does MSTR keep all this BTC they are buying? Do they have 1,000 Trezor wallets with tons of different keys? I’m assuming they don’t keep it on exchanges🤔