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Hey team there was a great question that came in for this weekend's Q&A from the community here. I actually create a slide of what I actually have been doing but it's too valuable to share on YouTube but I will share it here within the community this is a new strategy that I've been implementing and it's working really well involves having a deep in the money position I have naked put selling which is very dangerous always very dangerous make sure you have lots of margin and make sure you have the bottom and selling a call at tops. 

Where the money is made is in the range rider - sell a put at market bottom dips, buy it back after a bounce for 20% less.  All options are short-term 4-6 weeks to expiry.  Huge Time Value depreciation

With calls - also sell them at mean reversion over bought tops. 

Studying more but this yields 12 successful trades in 50 days. 






James, I was wondering why you would use this strategy instead of simply buying Calls and Puts according to the signals. Does this just work better when you have large positions you are holding to make passive income?


Time value is the answer. This is the more conservative, higher probability strat. By selling you receive the time premium instead of having to pay the premium. Think renting vs owning.