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Household Wealth Change went from 7T in 2009 to 22.3 T last year to 37.4T last qtr.  

Per this data, avg household wealth went up by a Whopping 15.1 Trillion in 1 year. By my math Avg Wealth Gain per Household should be $125,833 since Q1 2020. 

Avg household Wealth should be $311,666.67 - up 40% since Q1 2020 which is EXACTLY HOW MUCH MONEY WAS PRINTED> Love the numbers and how they balance out. 

Interested are our members wealth increasing at the same rate. 




No, but I am also not an US household


Nope, my wealth is not in fiat "wealth"


Interesting. I don’t think so personally James. Is it because the rich just got richer dragging the average higher! Don’t think it’s the right reflection on the general population. Not what other factors might be involved either.


With the cost of food and necessities, I'd say it has gone down by $68k - obviously hyperbole but directionally true.


Was getting close to that level of increase when BTC was at $64k, but these days I can't say I've kept up with that average. Bitcoin is the only thing giving me any chance at all it seems.


Definitely not! Oh how I wish!


Mine increased about $150k or 67% due to opportunities in Real Estate, crypto, and equities.


My raise was 5% and hubby was 4%. These increases don’t keep up with inflation. Digging for all loose change. Why wouldn’t we want to go all in? What else is there? Will be taking your Investors 101 courses. Thanks for all you do James. You are one in a million !!


Nope, in fiat terms I am just getting poorer


In my line of work we are getting a 20% salary increase over the next three years. The way I see it is that’s just to maintain our standard of living.


Re,Equities and mortgage/rent foredearance Mostly. Also enhanced unemployment etc. but most goes to the 1%


Happy 4th for all living or born in the 🇺🇸 Immigrant here. What’s your take on the Greyscale 1.4 billion BTC coin to the market? Is it likely to cause a buying opportunity in the higher 20s? Thank you and enjoy freedom!


I guess maybe just the Jeff Bezos' of the world made out like bandits - 88BN wealth increae for him alone. Per this data, avg household wealth went up by a Whopping 15.1 Trillion.


Not in real terms. But for Properties in Asia, such as SG and Asia, and Australia.. If you own properties, then it is definitely yes…


Real estate is a big factor for sure. I reckon Real Estate on avg is easily up 20% over the last year


That’s a no for me.


Yes..mostly due to inheriting $100,000


yes it did with a 17% increase. hopefully a bigger bump next year driven by Ark funds and crypto.


Not even close .. I made less money last year with lockdown and furloughed etc... not more


I would say yes a substantial increase in wealth over the last 12 months. House equity has increased and pension pot that tracks the NASDAQ has increase 40% ( I might get that Lambo after all) LOL


I am not in US, but can confirm wealth didn’t increase, however if considering the price increase of real estate its strange


Ha! I'm at a state university with no pay raises across the board for years. Even worse, retirement funds are stuck in pre-selected funds with little management control until retirement or leaving the job. Bitcoin and other cryptos are a lifeboat.


27.3% yty increase here


I have seen an increase, but it’s all tight to real estate


I'm up *about* $5,000NZD... And all of it is crypto gains (90% bitcoin)... So... No... Cantillon effect is massive here. If you aren't born into property wealth, there's essentially nothing you can do to change that. You're born poor, you die poor, or potentially you die poorer because you believed the lies about education and took on student debt. Though the Forth Turning is here... I may not live to ever enjoy luxuries like owning housing... But I am curious to see what happens to the central bankers and politicians once their lies catch up to them and a critical mass realise what these criminals have done...


I would think it because you are using average instead of median increase? Income inequality has surpassed the roaring 20's, so i would guess that isn't that high for the a normal person/family.


Sold our home 12 months ago. Still have not rehoused as our move from US to UK has been postponed because of Covid. Caught between a rock and a hard place. Lost $100,000 on paper from house sale compared to today. Bad timing. Lets hope crypto saves the day , that we complete our move by end of 2022 and our present paper losses have been mitigated somewhat. The cash from home sale is being trashed in the bank account but really don't want to overweight the holdings already allocated to the crypto.


definitely no for my household. How could one's wealth in 1 quarter increase that much? Perhaps if you are a multi millionaire then just by seer size of your starting point you may have had an increase like that. Curious what would be the Average household income based on that $37.392,009 million number? My calculator can't figure that many numbers!! Is it 2 million, 7 million, $500,000??


All goes to the top 1%…


No not for me. Any raise I have received barely covers inflationary costs.


My wife hasn't had a payrise - barely - dispite being a top performer for 4 yrs in the UK banking industry. And I know other friends who have the same story so... Our properties have increased in value, but rents not gone up in comparison. So it's on paper looks good, but revenue not gone up


Ours did, but it took a combination of good W2 income, 401k, stocks, REI, and crypto.


So true Jim: Mort Gage = Death Grip https://link.medium.com/V7FUuOFyChb Mortgage is a rip off Can’t change the nature of politics politicians or authoritarian government: so just change our store of value so we can survive them and pass on what we have left to future generations…






It has gone down as a matter of fact. Loss of job, living off disability, increase in all sorts of costs (health, gas, water, energy, insurances, etc.).


Made way more wealth in crypto in the past 4 years than ever possible by working. Don't intend on turning much back to fiat


Not my household


Nowhere near that much. But I started accumulating Bitcoin in Q1 so let's see what happens later this year. Oh, and I got a 1% pay increase.


Hi Jill, thanks for asking this Q. I discovered an error in the model 120M households not 220M. Avg household Wealth should be $311,666.67 - up 40% since Q1 2020 which is EXACTLY HOW MUCH MONEY WAS PRINTED> Love the numbers and how they balance out.


I think this applies to all assets so if you own a home, pension, shares, and other assets then the answer is yes. incomes however....


I'm sure anyone who has real-estate and stock exposure is in line with this growth.


Nope. Not my household either.


I started investing in 2008 right when the crash happened. Between 2008 and now I've gotten married and have had 3 children with my wife. So our household wealth has obviously gone up in that span. Seems the price of higher education has gone up a lot too which I kind of need to save for. Only 45% of US households own shares or mutual funds.https://www.statista.com/statistics/246224/mutual-funds-owned-by-american-households/


In the UK students who take out government student loans pay RPI plus 3% with a re-payments triggered at an income of £27000.00 p.a. Many thought they would never reach that income, but if wages rise due to inflation (and therfore RPI increases also) then large numbers of students (many with worthless degrees anyway) are going to be lot worse off financially.


What do you think of Alex Mashinsky latest tweet ? One more capitulation of selling and then up from there.


We had to mandatory close our flourishing coworking space, that not only had won multiple awards, but housed commpanies such as Soundcloud, Shopify, Vox Media. And where all my wellbeing research on the future of workspace design, flow, connection and health had taken place. People are not returning to work yet now, that we are open. The issue isn't that we may not be packed again, it's that our landlords refuse to negotiate fairly for last year and to help ramp up again. So my short answer is absolutely no! I was pivoting anyway, however, it was our family income! So hence I'm focused on digital programs and here, learning with you... and with this wonderful community...


Not for me. Max 5 % increase for me. Very interesting chart.


Avg Household Wealth Increases $125,000.  Has yours? I can see the US Media print this headline then argue we need to increase taxes to make things fair.


We were fortunate to see our household wealth increase since Q12020, but that was due to A) having jobs flexible enough to still work remotely during the pandemic, B) being heavily invested in real estate, and C) DCA’ing when the stock market plunged in March/April 2020. So I would say we hit that metric but only because we were lucky enough to have that opportunity. Most plp weren’t able to, and I feel like they certainly got left behind. K-shape recovery is absolutely happening.


Would be interesting to contrast the average with the median. That way you can clearly see the Cantillion-Effect.


Yes. It's just asset price appreciation. Cashflows/Earnings are stagnating which means returns ar getting lower and lower percentage wise.


No, our family income has been about the same for about 3 years in a row. I was hoping for coin investments to make up the difference. 😭


I would say that this net worth could be considered in these analytics as well James? I would say yes to that as I purchased another business but And once the Financing portion is paid off yes my income would then be relative to this if I draw from both corporations dividend income in this amount but that would be CAD dollars. But net worth definitely increased during this time because I was still liquid to keep buying assets through Covid.


My NVDA option might just get us there 📈😄


I’ve been investing hard since January 2018 and made a paper gain in the amount started in the article. Diamond paper hands! LoL. Happy 4th everyone!


Thanks James as always. I prefer the median vs the average at getting a take on household or individual wealth. The top 1 and 5 percenters seem to be dragging up the average. While the poor get poorer. It's terrible for most of us.


My increases were 10-20% in stocks and 150% in crypto. I saw the reference to "Cantillon Effect" which led me to this nice article by Demelza Hays https://blog.btcbox.jp/en/archives/11358


Unfortunately I think the households that benefited most were as you have mentioned, those who have exposure to real estate, stock market, and crypto would have seen these gains and more. Which would exclude most households. Luckily I had real estate already in place from 2008, and big tech stocks that benefited most during the pandemic. Those who knew to invest during the pandemic market crash benefited most (which is probably not your average household). I actually didn’t buy but I am just thankful I didn’t panic sell. I sold out of crypto June 2020 at a loss. As per my job, I make less or the same now. I don’t see it increasing at all given healthcare reimbursement for providers has not increased (actually decreased) since I first worked in 2000. It hasn’t even kept up with inflation at all. My ticket to financial freedom is investing. It’s definitely not from my 9-5 job.


365 days to 2021-07-04: net worth +23.6% positions closed in last 365 days +54.96% open positions opened in last 365 days +60.15% As Garrett Morris would say: pandemic been berry berry good to me; I'd give it all back if we could unwind COVID-19 :-(


I noticed my index funds have increased by about 40% while my real estate estate is up by 20% this past year. It seems like people who own equities or real estate are the ones who are benefiting the most due to the Cantillion effect. Out of curiosity I googled a Gallup poll to see the percentage of folks in the US who actually own equities or real estate, and it’s only around 50% and 60% respectively. Hopefully the crypto space and blockchain tech can play a role in giving more people a chance to capture a piece of the pie.


No, certainly not. no pay increase in 3 years. robbed blind.


Before I would watch business shows and hear about Chinese propaganda on economic numbers being released. Seems the same in the USA. What are they going to say when a large portion of the population doesn't work because of AI and robotics replacing sectors of the economy?


Uhhhh… no.


Certainly not in New Zealand, feels like average household debt went up instead.


Gotta love socialism, buckle up for the next lock down plandemic.


My wealth is up due almost entirely to real estate. $500K gain on primary since Jan 2020. But that is only a 20% gain. I think real estate in less established areas did a lot better. I have an investment property that gained 42% during that time frame. I regret keeping my powder dry during the pandemic. The match between money printing and increased value seems odd to me. I feel like the RE values are higher than they should be due to overly exuberant speculation. I expect a correction. I'd like to see how a plot of corporate profits looks overlaid with household wealth and whether the super wealthy account for most of the gain in household wealthl.


Our household wealth up 82% since Feb 2020 primarily due to concentrated portfolio of growth/tech stocks. Only started tiptoeing into crypto Nov/Dec 2020.


Many of my friends are up >200% last 12 months. I have not checked our results, since we're insignificant in the world.....


QUESTION: WHEN will - on a time curve - the main-stream adoption of BTC/ETC happen? When will we hit the rapid-adoption phase of the curve?


+35% not including primary residence value increase.


The ROI on a degree is highly debatable these days after students have repaid the debt. Really seems like just another way the governments monetize its people into cash producing assets…it’s like a human bond market.


According to Benjamin Cowens video of Bitcoin:the next 6 months, the rest of this year doesn't look too great. He thinks that it will take off maybe the second half of 2022. This is depressing, do you think it's true?


I like Benjamin but his whole thesis is based on 3 or 4 data points. In the worlds of statistics and technical analysis, that's not enough data to make meaningful predictions.


up by 43%.