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Hi Patrons, this trade is actually not a bad one.  As per my rules - my entrance and exit are set. We were at 24.5 on the 27th of Jan and with some more volatility we could get down there again. I hope to snag some $25 calls at $4 and change for Sep and then wait for a bounce upwards to $27 and then I can open a spread by selling the $30 Sept Call options worth $5 for next to nothing.  Say $1 down to make the potential of 5x that over time. Once it happens I will alert you all.  I believe in this as Silver will outperform Gold - and Gold will go up due to QE (quantitative easing)


Silver? Good idea? Worth buying? How to buy? What price? Options play unveiled.

SILVER: Due to popular demand a quick video on silver. What it is is it worth? How it compares to gold? The Cowboys on Wall Street and related manipulation. And I outline how I would trade it with which underlying asset which entry points and how I would use options to protect myself. Aberdeen Standard Physical Silver Shares ETF $SIVR



What trading platform? I tried to play the silver squeeze last week via CFTs on an NZ platform.... Misjudged entry by about 12 hours, and the platform was cruddy and wouldn't reliably adjust my stop loss despite having plenty of collateral with them... And yep... Not a way I want to trade again.... :D


Great vid..thanks for the info. If all things normalize and one took this trade. If SIVR stayed in the spread range, would we have to hold it all the way til expiration for profit to be realized or could we get out anytime? Thanks


Yes you can get out at any time. What I like to do though is play the Ranges and do things like buy the short call option back on weakness and sell it again on strength. If you look at the intraday ranges on options you can see they can vary a lot. Alternatively you can play this range month to month and really create a position that actually doesn't cost you anything at all. I've been doing this for decades.


What are your thoughts on selling puts vs your bull call spread in this type of situation? I am a option novice so be kind. Just want to pick your brain.


I love selling PUTS when I really want to get into something at a discount. I will do a session and talk about the pros and cons of spreads versus put selling.


Please don't sell your pets :-)


I decided I give this a try, but in another way. I would love to hear your thoughts, especially IA's, as to whether this was a sound strategy. I used SIVR as I hold some although I have more SLV. I also used the longest dated options, the 21Sept. Thesis: AG is likely to go up, there is short term Robinhood funny business, but the fundamentals include strong industrial demand, relatively poor supply (try to get some actual physical) counter balancing that is long standing manipulation through futures. The 10 year low is ~$15, I think I can realistically treat that as a floor. I wanted a trade with unlimited upside so I bought the 21 calls and to partially fund the trade I sold the 22 puts. I chose the 21 calls as they were close to a delta of 0.8 so they should behave like a fairly good stock replacement on the upside. I chose 22 puts because I would be happy to own more there and I might have written that anyway. My net cost was $490. So, breakeven is $25.90, about where we are now. I have a max expected loss of 700+490 and an unbound possible gain. In comparison to IA's trade I took on substantially more risk for a greater possible payout. I'm not sure if this was a wise trade. Thoughts?


Let me take a deeper look at this and run it through my model and see what it says I will post your results and what I like to look at is the key times to plan an exit or a roll up.


this is a very interesting strategy where I can learn more in details about it any video suggestions? Thanks


This is excellent information. Good on ya!