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I had a feeling TSLA was going to trade in a range so I sold the TSLA $850 calls for $270 before earnings.  I nearly bought them back and I have a buy order in for $201 which would net me $70 x 20 contracts. Will keep you updated on what I do. 




Looking forward to the option series. Thank you for sharing!


Thanks for all the excellent content and I'm excited about your Patreon community (first time joining a Patreon). I believe the major challenge in my culture is the lack of knowledge/understanding as it relates to more complex investing strategies such as options. As a novice, I hope to learn more about options and take that back to my community.


Excited to have you on board and look forward to building a strong community.


What is your culture and where are you based? I’m trying to build up some more profiles for exchanges and tools and knowledge on tax laws in many different jurisdictions.


The sign-up thing on the way in says it renews tomorrow... But on balance, being among the first fifty Capitalists was more important :D


it is a brand new account, I literally just started it 4 hours ago so no charges today I guess it starts tomorrow. Let me know if there are any issues. Cheers and welcome aboard.


Excited to be here!


Hi. I’m happy to be here. Your content is outstanding and I’m looking forward to learning from you!


Just joined! Looking forward to the Discord! :)


looking forward to an exciting 2021


just joined yesterday


Hi, Just joined as well... This post doesn't mention what your LONG position is at the moment... if we just joined, is there a position we can enter now to catch the tail end of this trade that would make sense? Thanks.