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Little later on this one, but got a bit stuck. Holidays were one thing, but I kept thinking on a new Pizza Thot wrestling pic/fic and couldn't settle on a pairing or match I wanted. Milk with Cash or PB as a tag team sounded neat but would it show well beyond them in swimsuits? 

Anyway, postponed that for stuff I knew what I wanted out of. 

Cultist Date: Kayla the [totally not a] cultist trying to look flirty on her date. Please ignore the occult tattoos on her cleavage, tentacle-patterned leggings, and a “Honk if you <3 the Dark One” t-shirt

The Screaming Legion: a small unit of the story of the same name. Fantasy barbarian goth girls wielding modern weapons, battle axes and electric guitars.

Centaur Femboy’s Gob Job: the star of Centaur Stud story. A geeky goblin girl standing under a femboy centaur giving him a blowjob.

Idol Monsters: a goblin, centaur, elf and demon in frilly Japanese idol outfits on stage.

Wrestle Kingdom; Wrestling the Sumo Cyclops: the three girls being squashed, choked or smothered all at once by asumo-wrestler cyclops boss.


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