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New year, new stories. Also old ones getting sequels. Bunch of things started up and got my commission work going on between jobs so hopefully delivering a bunch of work as usual next year/month.

The Dwarf Next Door: a guy grows up and reunites with his dwarven childhood friend after college. The tough boy he grew up with turns out to be an especially tough girl.

Mighty Milfin’ Mama Rangers: a trio of monster-busting milf superheroines juggling their lives as housewives and crimefighters. Super-powered teenagers start raising trouble in town and it takes some motherly love to keep them in line.

Big Goth GF: a girl spends a night coddling and worshiping her chubby and dominant goth girlfriend.

Lily Max Punches Out: a professional little foxy boxer continues her climb up the ranks. She fights Desdemona Ravenloft, the boxing vampire wannabe from Transylvania (Louisiana).

The Wario Girls: the rarely mentioned Wa-versions of the Mario Bros princesses, as Wapeach, Wadaisy, Wasalina and Wauline terrorize their own island of subdued minions and fuckpets.

Based on https://twitter.com/magdraws/status/1468011480612315143?s=12


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