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Quick post before bed. Another visit to our super-powered, horny young lady on a reckless rampage to get herself off.

Cassie made her way across town, undressed and undisturbed. Her clothes had been blown off in a recent explosion, but that was the closest she’d come to taking any harm all day. Whatever mysterious force had empowered her, she had been left invulnerable to everything she’d run into. She’d sent grown men flying with a shove, been hit by bullets and explosions, and masturbated with a jackhammer. It had only left her turned on more and more, her libido raging and having her heart racing the more she destroyed her surroundings and defied death. It only left her craving more.

Deciding she was thirsty, the naked college girl walked right into a corner store. The cashier on duty barely looked up at first, but bolted upright when he saw the fit, undressed girl walking down the aisles.

“Hey! You uh… can’t come in here like that,” he objected half-heartedly. Cassie flipped him off and went through the aisle, reaching the coolers at the end. She pulled casually at the door, ripping it completely off its hinges and throwing it over her shoulder. It smashed through several rows of snacks, making the cashier duck behind the counter while she didn’t even look back. She was too busy taking out a water bottle.

“Hey! What the hell was that?!” the young man with shaggy black hair demanded from his crouched position. Cassie went on ignoring him, feeling like a goddess in her naked invincibility. She guzzled down the water in a few noisy gulps, surprising herself at how quickly she polished it off. She wanted more, so she took it.

“You can’t just take those,” the guy interrupted, a cautious quiver to his voice. “You have to pay for those.”

Cassie was already chugging more water like she was dying of thirst, even if she was feeling completely fine. Maybe even her stomach was invincible. She tossed her water bottle away and curiously tore off a piece of the nearest shelf. She took a bite of the metal, snapping it off with her teeth cutting through it like it was made of bread instead of steel. It tore as if her mouth was overheated industrial equipment, but she quickly spit it back out.

“Blech! That was a bad idea,” she admitted. “Now I need to wash it out.”

She grabbed a gallon bottle of soda and started gulping that down instead.

“Come on! You seriously need to pay for that,” the guy pressed, his panic instincts starting to take over.

“I said fuck off, pussy,” Cassie snapped. She flung her piece of shelf with a bite mark in it in his direction. The hunch of metal pierced into the wall beside him, sinking several inches into the solid material by her force alone.

“Son of a bitch!” he blurted out as he ducked back behind the counter.

Cassie smirked and went back to her casual naked looting, just to hear a click and a booming noise behind her. She didn’t feel a thing, but she turned around to see a large amount of the snacks around her had been torn to pieces. The cashier was holding a smoking shotgun, the only clear reason she had to believe she was shot in the first place. Some buckshot had clustered at her feet where it had hit her skin and come to a complete stop.

“What the… you little shit!” she shouted, sounding more annoyed than anything. “You stupid-ass hick! Did you just get gunpowder in my asscrack!?”

The man went chalk white as he realized his terrible mistake. He felt like he was in a horror movie as Cassie crossed the store with ridiculous speed. She had him by the collar by the time he had registered she was moving, her afterimage and the tailwind behind her blurring across the store.

Cassie lifted the cashier like he was made of paper, giving the impression that she could break him just as easily. She glared at him for a moment before the found herself relishing in the power and control she had in the situation. A shiver ran through her in excitement as she shoved the man onto the counter.

“You’re lucky you caught me in a good mood, buddy,” Cassie purred. She tore the pants and boxers off of him with one powerful swipe of her fingers, the fabric tearing before it properly hit his skin so that they came off in an instant.

“It’s been a while since I felt something real between my legs,” she said with a wide grin. “How’d you like to be with the strongest thing on the planet?”

She flexed her arm confidently, showing off her naked body. It certainly didn’t look like a person who could wreck a city block on a whim so much as a girl who jogged regularly, but the dumbstruck clerk had seen enough to know better.

“…aright,” he conceded. He was feeling overwhelmed, but he felt much more comfortable sleeping with the hot and dangerous girl rather than pissing her off any further. She didn’t even seem to care that he was still clutching the shotgun, only thinking to release it at that moment.

Just when he was hoping this whole thing wouldn’t be that bad, Cassie mounted him on the countertop. She locked her mouth on his as she thrust her hips onto the dumbstruck clerk, taking him as deep as she could in one go. She moaned into him, kissing heatedly as her super libido continued to match her super strength. The rush of adrenaline made it feel incredible for the stranger she’d grabbed before she started humping more vigorously.

The cashier’s muffled shout was choked on her kiss as her unstoppable hips rammed into his lap, cracking his pelvis with her grinding alone. He thrashed in place, paralyzed by the pain as another thrust came crashing down. She rode his cock hard enough that the front counter smashed in half beneath the force of her horny grinding. Cassie moaned the whole time, running her hand over herself to savor her first actual sex since she had her powers. No matter how horrifying it was for the guy she was with.

“Oh my god! Holy fuck! Get off! Fuck, get off!” the cashier screamed.

“Oh, way ahead of you. I’m definitely getting off,” Cassie purred, indifferent to his painful pleas. She bit her lip as she gave one more gyrating grind against him, getting a few more unsettling cracks from the man beneath her before she slid off. The man gasped for air as he clutched his aching pelvis.

“That was fun while it lasted, but I barely felt it,” Cassie noted as if he were to blame. She had enjoyed crushing and dominating him more than his actual cock. “It takes something a little bigger and harder to satisfy me.”

She winked seductively as she took the discarded shotgun by the barrel. She squeezed it hard enough to dent the metal before she shoved the butt of the gun between her legs. She gasped and moaned as she masturbated with the firearm, her thighs and pussy crushing it into whatever shape suited her unbreakable body. She sighed noisily as she fucked herself with the dangerous piece of metal like it was just another sex toy, biting her lip and pumping it so fast that the metal started glowing red hot from the force and speed. Her thighs squeezed together with a gasp as they snapped the shotgun in half, gushing another orgasm over the broken weapon.

“Mmmm yea… more!” Cassie moaned as she stepped over the injured clerk. She tossed the scrapped weapon aside and step back out the front entrance. She was moving faster now and leaving shallow cracks in the tile and pavement as she walked. The mighty blonde wasn’t paying enough attention to realize that she was getting hornier and stronger with each orgasm, too caught up in those very same effects to care.

Cassie scanned the street until she saw an incoming truck. It was just the front end, lacking any trailer or cargo, but it looked like it would do the job. It was speeding down the street as she stepped out in front of it, intercepting it too late for the driver to notice her let alone stop.

As soon as it came crashing into her body, the front of it started to collapse. It reacted like it had struck an iron wall instead of a 120 pound hottie. It didn’t even have time to fully start crumbling before Cassie caught it by the bumped and lifted it off the ground. The tires spun uselessly in the air as the driver panicked.

“Keep hitting the gas!” Cassie shouted up at the tilted vehicle. The wheels kept whirling as she adjusted the truck, pressing the front tire against her pussy. She managed to angle it just right so that the tire kept spinning and scraping over her crotch, getting her eyes and mouth to pop open in delight. She squeezed the car a bit tighter in delight, crumpling more of its metal inward. The smell of rubber burning from the friction clearly did nothing to deter her as the ribbed tire dragged over her invincible twat.

“Oh yes. Fuck yes!” Cassie ranted as she let it grind rapidly against her pussy. Her voice barely quivered from the intense vibrations that came with using a revving truck as a sex toy. As it started to slow down, she angrily shook the vehicle.

“Hey! I said hit the gas!” she demanded, only to spot the driver climbing out of the cab. He ran for his life at the sight of the naked young woman holding his car like it was nothing, and traffic that had built up behind him was variously turning around or abandoning their cars to flee instead.

“Whatever. Who needs them?” she decided. The horny and powerful blonde punched her hand through the bottom of the truck and felt around, tugging on a few pieces that felt correct. She finally reached through half truck and into the cab itself, grabbing the gas pedal and pulling it down towards her. The engine roared back to life as she floored the gas, moaning again as the tire skidded against her pussy. Melting rubbed started to pool on the pavement as it gave against her insatiable and unstoppable loins.

“Oh my god! Fuck yes!” Cassie panted, clenching her fist until she tore off a chunk of the truck and sent it flying. She pressed the car harder into her crotch until it was effectively running over her ragingly hard clitoris, pursing her lips and gasping down the smell of overworked engines and breaking tires.

With a final, husky grunt, Cassie pulled on the truck and came against its wheel. She shivered hard enough to crush most of the vehicle flat between her hands, the sounds of smashing and breaking metal filling the air. Loose parts flew out in random directions as physics itself seemed to struggle to keep up with her might.

“Mmmm fuck,” Cassie moaned seductively. She wiped some melted tire rubber from her crotch and hurled the truck aside like an empty plastic cup. It crashed into some building or another but the temporarily satisfied blonde didn’t bother to look. Her god complex was out of control by now and nobody was going to stop her.

Cass went walking back towards the center of town, passing the abandoned cars that had been left behind her. She kicked one out of her way, enjoying watching its trajectory as it flew over the rooftops and smashed into something out of sight. She heard shouts and panic from nearby streets as people fled to make way for the naked, horny superpower. It wasn’t until she passed a car that had been left running that she paused, hearing some radio announcer talking about her.

“-an unidentified person rampaging through the north side of the city. Police have stated that they are unable to intervene and are advising all civilians to avoid any contact or proximity to the individual. It is unknown if she has any association to the similar person attacking the nearby county as it’s another hundred miles away.”

“The other what now?” Cassie thought out loud. Someone who actually had the same sort of powers as her would make for some decent company, considering how easily she broke the normal people she’d encountered.

“Both have been wrecking property and buildings seemingly at random. The second woman recognized as Barbara White has not only repelled forced from a nearby military base, but has used their equipment for strange and vulgar sexual gratification.”

“Yup. She’s definitely in the same boat,” Cassie decided. “Hundred miles though… that must be Pike County.” She recalled driving there a few times, figuring a mental map of how she’d get there without a car. She finally shrugged and took off running, ruining streets and kicking up massive clouds of dirt as she went. This was a meeting she couldn’t pass up on.


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