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Finished what feels like pretty late for the top vote of the month. Returning to Monster Village, the Undertale meets Animal Crossing style game of living with a town of horny monsters.

All the girls were fun this time around. I wanted Rye to be unlike most of my usual goblins, since it’s an original setting. So she’s geeky and spazzy but still closet horny.

The Selkies were… well for starters, a selkie is a lesser-known monster that’s a lady in a sealskin coat. If you steal it from her she becomes your wife. I messed with it a little, but really I just love twin characters. No twin fetish, but I always perk up when a character’s a twin. It just does a little extra to their character knowing they have a near duplicate around. Also fun to write.

It wasn’t the first time Arn had woken up next to someone else. It WAS the first time he’d woken up half-buried in soft green muscle. He panicked for a second before he remembered where he was. He had passed out in the arms of Brana, the orcish mother who shared a room and bed with him last night.

He was still naked, spotting his things set out neatly to one side on a chair. His clothes were cleaned and folded, with his grandfather’s old sword and shield resting beside it. He had originally planned on using them against the monsters before he discovered Tunnelston and learned that it was entirely unnecessary. There was probably some sort of lesson about the real monster being humanity in all this, but he was too cozy in the powerful milf’s grasp to care.

He struggled to get out from under her firm hug, but she barely budged until she wanted to. His squirming woke her up, but she planted a firm, sleepy kiss on his cheek and rolled her bulky form out of bed to make him breakfast.

Full of pancakes and some kind of sweet, mashed up grain, Arn figured he should actually explore the village for himself. He thanked Brana again and walked back into Tunnelston.

He was still catching up to the fact that the monsters here were all quite friendly, but he didn’t feel like he was in any danger. It was why he decided to walk around with his weaponry bundled up in a comfy bag that Breana leant him. It was flowery and cute like he’d expect to receive from a mom, getting him to blush when the local monsters stared his way. If not for the bag, then for the fact that Nails had told him that everyone in town would be eager for human dick. Most of the males in town were away on travel and trades, so the amount of lonely single monstergirls in his area was intimidating.

He went back to the spot where he had met Billed the golem. The hammer-handed, broad-shouldered woman was made of stone, nailing together some wood into what looked like an early fence.

“Hey, Billed,” Arn called with a wave. He looked around her workspace at the random-looking crafts. “I guess you didn’t finish my house yet?”

“What? I had that done hours ago,” the rocky woman shrugged. She waved her mallet of a hand to one side, gesturing at a simple but solid one-story house a short trip away.

“I can lift it up and carry it around if you need to move, but it’s done as far as I can tell. Got a bed and a woodstove in there, but anything more I’m gonna need some funds to get supplies.”

Arn peeked inside the door. It was spartan, lacking decorations but seeming entirely warm and comfortable.

“I mean this is great! I’ll think about additions, but… can you move me somewhere closer to Brana’s? She was very… welcoming, so…”

“I getcha,” Billed nodded. “Consider it done. I’ll have it over there by the afternoon.”

“It’s not too much trouble, right?” Arn pressed gingerly.

“Oh it’s nothin’! I didn’t install handles on all the houses for nothin’.”

Arn just nodded rather than ask any further questions. “Well I’ll probably be back for something soon. I’ve got to visit the shop to do some trade-ins.”

“Oh, Rye? She’ll buy just about anything,” Biller said with a smile. “That girl can cut a profit off anything.”


Nails had pointed out the store during his tour yesterday. It didn’t look very big at a glance, but the back of it reached farther than he would have expected. He stepped through the swinging doors and found what looked like a common general store. It was just that all of the goods looked slightly off. A bowl of fruit was full of ones he didn’t recognize. There were clothes and gloves that looked like they would never fit him, far too small or long. Jewelry that could only fit over horns or spikes hung on hooks while books with monsters on the cover were presented as children’s books or romance novels rather than horror stories. There were a few pieces of armor but they looked more decorative and impractical (like the armored bikini). No weapons at all, Arn noticed. He wasn’t sure if that was in his favor or against it.

Behind the counter was a goblin with a large pair of glasses and a short patch of red hair. She was clearly standing on a stool because he could see her hips peeking over the edge of her countertop. She wore a button-up shirt where the buttons struggled to do their job, strained around a pair of watermelon-sized (and colored) breasts. Her skirt fit better while still making it clear she was packing a lot to her hips as well. She looked up from writing in some kind of book when she looked up at him, perking up immediately. She adjusted her glasses over her emerald-like eyes.

“Oh! Hi! Hello! Good to… good to meet you!” she rambled awkwardly. “Welcome! Hi! You’re the new customer in town I guess! This is Rye! I mean, this is Rye’s Trades! I’m Rye Budderall.”

Arn had to smile at the bumbling little goblin. Quite unlike the quietly cackling thieves his grandfather would tell him about.

“Hi. I was looking to sell some old equipment. I hear you take trades.”

“Oh? Well yes! I can find a use for just about anything. What exactly were you looking to sell?” Rye asked with a smile as she hurried to adjust her glasses and ledger. All the fussing made another button bust off of her blouse as her green cleavage and lacey purple bra became a bit more visible.

Arn set the bag on the table and took out his grandfather’s old sword and shield. Rye hummed curiously as her head darted around it, inspecting it from several angles.

“Rather old. Hmm. Antiques, almost, but still functional…” the goblin prattled.

“It came from my grandpa. He was a big adventurer in the old days,” Arn said, a bit more regretfully than he’d meant to.

“Really? He must have been an incredible fighter then, because these would have been useless against a monster.”


“Right. See here?” The goblin lifted the sword, clearly too big for her to wield practically. She held it by the blade before Arn could stop her, but she didn’t even flinch from the touch of old steel.

“Monsters are only vulnerable to particular types of metal. Humans tend to make theirs out of steel or iron, which our bodies either deflect or heal from, depending on the species and the weapon.”

Rye lifted the sword and smacked the blade down on her wrist. It hit with a dense little thump, but the worst it did was make her breasts jiggle again. She gave it a few more whacks, but the ancestral sword hit her like it was nothing but a ruler.

“I’ve been starting to wonder how much of what my grandpa told me is true, lately,” Arn admitted.

“Ah, times have changed,” Rye pointed out, seemingly more comfortable talking about something she was so knowledgeable about. “I know my ancestors used to just play dead when humans found their camps rather than start more trouble. It seemed to make them feel better about the whole thing.”

“It probably did,” Arn sighed. “So these are useless?”

“Well not useless. A shield’s a shield, and there’s collectors and such for old weapons. It’s not like we actually use them for fighting down here. Any of that stuff goes off with the caravans to fend off any stray dire moles and megaworms. So I can get you some cash for that. I can do fifty coins for them all together.”

“Is that a lot?” Arn asked uncertainly.

“It’s not nothin’,” Rye shrugged, making her boobs threaten to pop out of her top again. “A book’s around one coin. A shovel’s three. Upgrading your house is anywhere from a hundred to a thousand, depending on what you’re looking at. But it’s enough to get comfy for a few weeks while you settle in.”

“Well, what do you recommend I start with?” Arn asked. “I just have the basic house right now.”

Rye looked surprised, blushing hard enough to fog up her glasses. “You mean… just me? You trust me for that kind of thing?”

Arn shrugged. “I haven’t lived on my own before and definitely not with monsters. So whatever you think. I trust you.”

Rye squirmed and giggled at the mild flattery before opening up her book. “Well with the trends from other monsters that settled in here, I can make some solid recommendations. There’s a mailbox for news and letters, a wardrobe so you’re not stuffing your clothes into a chest with your food and all that, some gardening tools to grow your own food since the stuff springs up like crazy down here, a lamp, clock, a thermal stone to control the temperature in your room… altogether, that’d be a hundred coins.”

“Which I don’t have,” Arn pointed out. “I could make some cuts. Or trade something else to you, maybe.”

“I’m so glad you asked,” Rye purred, batting her eyes. Arn held his breath when she suddenly slapped a sheet of paper onto her countertop.

“I have plenty of credit with the troll banks, so I could arrange a zero-interest loan! You’d be expected to pay either five or ten coins a month, or else they send you a letter with a frowny face on it that makes you feel bad. We could put it down for the hundred so you have the fifty to spend until then, or start from scratch and just sign it for the fifty you’d need…”

Arn let the goblin ramble a bit more before he raised a hand enough to get her attention.

“I was actually wondering if sex was an option for payment.”

Rye’s pointed ears perked up as she stiffened at the idea. Her glasses fogged over again as she radiated heat from her blush.

“I… I… certainly! That should cover your starter kit quite nicely!” Rye rambled. She adjusted her glasses awkwardly. “Would you be so kind as to turn the sign on the front around to ‘Closed’ for me?”

Arn did as she asked, flipping the small wooden sign on the door. By the time he turned back around, Rye had stepped out from behind her counter and was recklessly flinging her clothes off. She had stripped down to her underwear, but had gotten her arm caught on one of her bra straps. She struggled with it for a moment before simply snapping her fangs around the elastic band, cutting it off rather than removing it and throwing the rest of it off. Her huge green breasts bounced out appreciatively, and while green wasn’t the color Arn would have expected when a pair of tits were presented. Between Rye’s and Brana’s, he was starting to see the appeal.

“Sorry!” Rye chirped while her rack was still bouncing to a stop. Been a while since I’ve needed to get those off in a hurry. Not that there’s any hurry! People around here are willing to wait! So if you wanted to take your time that’s okay tooooOOH!”

Arn quickly got the impression that if he kept asking questions or giving her reasons to hesitate, the jumpy goblin would have let this take all day to get started. He moved in quickly as if going for a killing strike in his sword training, but instead he caught her by the hips. He lifted her up and set her wide green bottom on the counter with a meaty slap, her stubby legs quick to wrap around him for balance… or maybe to keep him close to her.

Rye’s skin was soft and vaguely sticky, reminding him of a well-used toy. It made his hands instinctively bury themselves into her ass cheeks, finding that they had plenty of space to dig in on the shopkeep’s plump behind.

“Oh! Okay. We’re doing this,” Rye rambled sheepishly. She blushed a streak of awkward orange across her nose as she fiddled with her glasses, already starting to steam up.

“I mentioned it’s been a while, right? So I’m not sure how you wanna go about it, but I’ll just take your lead on that…”

The awkward but eager goblin squirmed in front of him as Arn just took off his pants, looking to at least match Rye on that front. They dropped and let his erection pop out, slapping against her chubby thigh. Rye let out a strange noise, some where between a croak and a purr as her eyes locked onto his dick.

“Hoo, wow… were they always this big?” she asked, fanning herself as the orange blush spread to cover her nose and reach her cheeks. Her breasts swelled up like airbags as she nudged herself a bit closer, but Arn saw he’d have to be the decisive one here.

The human took the back of her head and pulled her in for a kiss, pressing his lips and tongue against hers. Rye let out a shriller version of the noise she made before, perking up and opening her mouth wide. It spread farther than Arn expected, as if she could swallow a plate of food at once, but he appreciated it keeping her fangs away from his tongue. Her own thick, slimy appendage lathered his up with her own juicy saliva as his dick nudged over the crotch of her panties. It poked at her mild belly and the warm, wet patch of fabric at her groin, soon trailing precum along her green hide. She was overwhelmed at first, tensing up and just moaning or cooing as she sucked on his mouth.

Arn heard more meaty patting noises below, looking down to realize she was clumsily tugging off her panties. She’d shift to one cheek and then the other, tugging on either side of her underwear in a rush to get him inside her. Seeing her eagerness matching his own, he caught her waistband and pulled down, tipping her over backward. His waiting hand kept her from falling off her counter, but her legs flew up and folded together to let him pull the last of her clothes off. Her chubby thighs couldn’t spread especially far out, but Rye clearly did her best as she parted them for him.

“It’s uh… hope it’s good enough,” she mumbled modestly.

“I don’t know what you mean. You’re adorable,” Arn admitted, running his hands over her chubby little body. For any fat on her, she more than made up with how huge her hips and tits were. He plucked the glasses from her face and set them aside for her. Her whole face flashed in a bashful pumpkin orange for a moment before cooling down to a mere flush of color.

“I.. I-I-I um… thank you! I mean, you look good too! Excellent… taste. Grade-A penis, too,” she babbled. Her attempts at dirty talk were clearly as clumsy as her dirty talk.

Rather than let her dig a hole for herself, Arn chuckled and thrust himself inside her. Her tiny pussy was a tighter fit than he expected, gasping as soon as he entered her more than an inch. It was deeper than it looked, but the tense little goblin’s snatch clutched him like a greedy little mouth.

“Oh my gosh!” Rye gasped, grabbing his arms. His hands had settled on her huge tits for balance, groping them as her painted nails pricked at his skin. “That’s so good! That’s so big! How do… wow!”

“I’ve only barely gone in,” Arn pointed out to her.

“Wh-what?! That’s just…”

“Just the tip,” he said a bit breathlessly as her clenching pussy seemed to suck on his cock. “Watch.”

He pushed himself in deeper, her dripping wet hole letting him ease himself in deeper. Rye wailed and writhed with pleasure, her eyes wide with disbelief as he made his way slowly deeper, reaching what seemed to be depths she wasn’t even aware of. She squeezed him tighter, helping relieve the unexpected pressure as she huffed out heavy breaths he was sure would have fogged up her glasses if she had kept them on.

“Oh my! Oh gods! Th-this is what human dicks are like!?” Rye found herself blurting out. Arn had to bite back an amused grin, which proved easy enough as he kept pumping the shortstack’s hole. The taut friction of her wet pussy sucking and clinging around his cock made it easy to please himself, and she seemed to adore it just as much. She squeaked and tensed up as he pumped into her, making him give her a concerned glance.

“Nothing!” Rye ranted out hastily. “Keep going! Don’t stop!”

Arn kept pumping away, holding her on the counter as his balls slapped between her chubby thighs and ass. She’d chirp and shudder again periodically, always dismissing it until finally Arn came inside her. The hot shot of cum pooled up at whatever depths of her womanhood he was in, getting Rye to give out a shivering sigh.

“Ohhh that’s nice. It has been a while,” she moaned. Arn gave a final squeeze of her breasts and Rye perked her head up to plant another kiss on his lips. He smiled and pulled back out of her, finding the exit much easier than entry after all her arousal and his payload.

He barely got his cockhead out when there was a wet splattering noise. A small bucket’s worth of green liquid came spilling out of her pussy, some of his seed still mixed in with it.

“I might have… cum a couple times,” Rye confessed.

“Just a couple?!” Arn asked, stepping away from the spreading puddle awkwardly. She pursed her lips and held up a spread hand. Then another finger.

“Like six… ish. Brain kinda went to mush for a minute so I might have missed some. But I’m pretty quick with numbers. Speaking of…”

She sighed and flopped limply on her countertop, rolling onto her belly to leave her thick ass jiggling at Arn while the last of her cum trickled to the floor.

“I’m more than willing to call us even on the starter pack. I can get you your gold for the gear too. Once I… hoo! Once I figure out how to wake my legs up after all that… oh, which also reminds me!”

She reached over the counter and held up a blue slip of paper. “This is yours.”

“What’s that?” Arn asked as he reached for it, wiping his cock off on her ass as he did. She gave a content little purr before answering.

“It’s a Selkie Ticket. The Selkie Sisters set up camp out in the back alley and I agreed to pass out these passes for them for every big spender.”

“And… what’s it do?”

“I dunno. I never went back there myself,” Rye confessed. “Lets you play some game of theirs. Word around town is they have some pretty rare stuff for prizes. Might be worth a shot. Now where’d I leave that mop…?”


Once he helped Rye clean up, she agreed to ship his things over to his new home. Arn left the store and went circling around behind it. There was the closest the village had to an alley back there, a space still a few bodies wide between the back of the shop and some other building. It cast a soft shadow over the alley, blocking out the natural light given off by the cave’s fungus. He held onto Rye’s ticket as he saw a small stack of crates and the gleam of four vaguely cat-like eyes in its shadow.

“Fuhuhu. We have a visitor Yumi,” one of the soft and impish voices chuckled strangely.

“Fehehe. A new customer, Kumi. A new player in our game of rare treasures.”

As they talked, the Selkie Sisters emerged from the shadows. They were short while bigger than Rye, around 5 feet tall. Though they may have only looked the part due to their clothes. They were dressed in nothing but what appeared to be seal skins, massive soft furs draped over their shoulders and heads while more worn as boots. It covered most of their bodies, but some scruffy black hair hung out from under the hood. Heavily tanned skin showed in their coyly grinning faces, stubby noses, and fingers gripping their robes in place.

“Hey,” Arn greeted clumsily. “I heard you guys have a game and prizes?”

He held up his ticket and Kumi jumped with surprising speed, snatching it out of his hand with her mouth. She landed beside him and chewed thoughtfully on half of the ticket.

“Mm. Hmm. Fuhuhu! This one’s legit!” she called to her sister. Arn was a bit uneasy as he watched both of them at once.

“Fehehe. Perfect. So were you ready to play our game now, good sir?”

“You’re not going to like… kill me or eat me here, right?” he had to ask, starting to regret selling his weapons first. “Is this like the underground monster fight club or something?”

“Feheehee! He’s so cute~!” Yumi squealed, dropping her mysterious act. “I love it when a visitor plays along!”

“Everyone else is so casual around here! ‘Just give me the prize,’ they say! This one’s still fresh! Fuhuhuuu~!”

The selkies circled him rapidly, sniffing and poking at him with intense curiosity.

“And this one’s so sexy! Lots of muscle without being too big!”

“Like Goom.”

“Ugh. Goom. He’s such a handful…”

“And a mouthful. Ugh.”


“But this one looks just right! Fuhuhu!”

“So let’s begin the game! We’ll start you with something simple!”

The girls both stood in front of him for a moment, stopping their circling before splitting off in different directions. They sped off so fast that they vanished from beneath their robes, leaving them to drift slowly to the ground. Arn barely realized they’d escaped his line of sight before they grabbed his pants and pulled them down from his left and right.

“Last as long as you can, mortal!” Yumi declared.

“And we shall reward you accordingly! Fehehe!” Kumi piped in.

They both reunited in front of him, his hardon waiting for them as their heads lowered and mouths latched onto his cock. It was his first good look at the Selkie Sisters, both nearly identical. They had tan skin like smooth leather while bright, playful eyes the color of ice stared up at him. Their noses were not just stubby but stuck out to a degree that gave them a faintly dog-like appearance. A pair of large, bouncy breasts wobbled in front of Yumi, somehow the bustier sister despite their strong resemblance. Kumi had a rather tiny chest, nearly flat despite her hard and excited nipples poking off them. However, she had an ass thick enough that Arn could see it shaking giddily behind her. It also showed a short, finned tail like a seal’s growing out of their lower backs.

The sisters sucked and licked noisily between his legs, never caring if they bumped into their sibling. They seemed entirely focused on him but worked in surprising sync, as if knowing when to go higher or lower to make room for their sibling in their horny game. Their lips or tongues would brush together, making them moan lustily or share the briefest of kisses before parting ways again. He was clearly their focus, dead set on pleasuring him rather than each other.

The pair of naked girls rolled out their tongues together, slapping them over one another’s as they kept his cockhead between them. The wet stroking on all sides made Arn gasp and tense up, resting his hands on their heads.

“Oh my! He’s almost done!” Yumi cooed.

“Fuhuhu! First-timers are so easy,” Kumi confirmed. The girls both went to their knees, curling their tongues to catch around one of Arn’s balls apiece. They drew it softly into their mouths, moaning with the orb inside their wet maws. They nuzzled their noses against his shaft, trapping it between their faces as they nuzzled it together. It reminded him of when he’d titfucked a girl back in his hometown, but with their ball-sucking faces as the source of pleasure instead.

Their masterful teamwork finally got him off. Arn groaned and gripped their hair as he shot his load between their faces and onto the alley’s ground. The sisters threw up their hands with a triumphantly hummed tune, one that echoed through his balls with one last tingling.

“Well done! For a newby of course!” Kumi gloated, waving a warning finger at Arn.

“But still lots of fun, right!? That’s why you get a special treat from us, The Selkie Sisters!”

The impish girls hurried back to their boxes, rooting around and bickering quietly over their choices. They finally returned, one with a colorful crystal of purples and greens. The other had a sheet of paper that gleamed with a strange glossiness and a series of circles outlined on it.

“This one is a Seeking Stone! Perfect for making new friends,” Yumi explained. “You can assign people to its various spots here, and it’ll tell you if they’re home or not. Great way to plan visits, no?”

“And this… is your punch card!” Kumi shoved the paper into his hand, a hole already punched into one spot.

“When you touch a spot, it tells you a certain task you need to clear it. They’ll magically punch out themselves when you achieve it, realize it or not. Some are even repeatable, so you can do them more than once or to greater lengths. Earn five of those and you get a free ticket!”

“So if you finish those up or find another Selkie Ticket, stop on by!” Yumi joined in, picking up her fluffy robe. “We’ve got lots of prizes, and the better you do, the better the prize. There’s some stuff here you won’t find anywhere else in Tunnelston, too.”

“That’s… really nice,” Arn admitted. He leaned on the wall, wondering if he’d have lasted longer if he hadn’t just come from visiting Rye. “But… why do you two do this?”

“We’re bored!” the twins blurted as they tossed their robes back on. “Fuhuhu! Fehehe!”

Arn caught himself snickering at their goofy laughs, shaking his head. He waved the card at them with a grin. “Okay, well I have to go see if my stuff’s at my house yet… but you can count on me coming back for more.”

“Thank you! Another satisfied customer!”

“Oh and try to bring us a new flavor next time and we’ll give you bonus points!” Kumi added. “I tasted gobin on you today but mix it up for us a little, will ya?!”


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