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Hello guys! 

First of all; I hope you guys have a safe and fun new year's eve/day! I'm not sure what my plans are, maybe I'll just go out for a bit before retreating back inside c': 

This year has been a huge success for my patreon and it's all thanks to every single one of y'alls support~ Keeping me up and attem and financially afloat~ I wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing now if it wasnt for the help from every single one of you and I'm so very thankful~ 

Changes will be coming to the reward tiers though, in February! Everything else is staying the exact same so if you're here for early access or poll voting/suggesting etc then don't worry that will all be staying how it is! 

For 2019 though, I'll be raising the prices of my commissions, since I feel it's about that time! This means the reward tiers are also having a slight increase, some more than others but a NEW tier will be placed! So here's what I'm thinking 

Sketch reward tier price change: $35 -> $40
Full colour reward tier: $60 -> $70
The sketcher one (NEW TIER a sketch lewd set of 3 pictures): $125
The Chosen one: $150 -> $170

With my regular commissions, Inclusions of a 2nd character will have a price increase with the price of a single only increasing slightly to $50 for a full colour c: I wanted to still keep a good deal for patrons since you guys are consistently giving me money and I wanna show thanks for it!! 

These are all subject to change and refinement though so it's nothing solid YET.

I just wanted to run it all by you guys before I made any changes! I know this certainly will sway the heads of some of the supporters in the reward tiers and if you feel uncomfortable with the new pricing then I completely understand! 

Let me know what you guys think! I certainly think a price increase is needed but I'm always bad with how much I should increase things heh. 

Sketch commission streams are also having a rework to give more options too but I'll cover that later on~ 

Take care y'all! Sorry for dropping all this on you at the end of the year; just wanted to make sure I have you all in the loop on my train of thought! 

With love

- Kili


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