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Hey guys, wanted to bring you an update for the 5th month in the year! 

Boy howdy is the sun shining a lot more and has my workload increased a lot more. So much so that it kinda had a profane negative impact on me a lot in April, I wont lie. 

Later in the month confuzzled will be something I'm going to for the weekend so it means ultimately I'll have much less time to work on commissions and patreon things so it may be so that I'll need to skip out on this month's smut set patreon poll.

I know this is awful to hear but I need to make sure I have enough time to finish commissions and other patreons rewards this month; doing my comic weekly as well as weekend sketch commissions all pile up way too quickly for me and I'm not managing my time well enough lately. 

There will still be a pinup vote though, don't you worry, but I just don't think I'll have the time to also include a smut set this month. 

I apologise so much, guys. 

But in lighter news, I have a smut set of the kili foxes coming up on here on Friday, so that should be nice! 

Other than that, after this month it will be back to business as usual once I'm home from confuzzled. 

As of now I'm a tad worn down and broken from this last month and there's still so much more to do. But hey that's what comes with freelance work! 

Thank you again for all the continued support you guys give me. It means the whole entire world to me and I just wish I could give more back than I currently am.

I hope you all have a great rest of the week and please stay safe. 

With warmest wishes

- Kilinah 


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