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Hey guys!

I'm typing this up as I finish up the remaining rewards for this month and wanted to give you all an update!

Firstly hello to the new backers! Super happy to have you here supporting my work and I look forward to working with you all in the future! Hope you enjoy your stay!

This month certainly has been a tad more busy than usual but I honestly see that as a good thing! I've been getting steady commissions and been doing a sketch stream once every week to keep the income...well...incoming! It's through this and most importantly all your help from the patreon that I'm able to keep kicking and do this as my full time job! Without the support from all you here I wouldn't be able to pay rent and most bills.

So thanks again you guys~

Other than that! We're winding down for July and I hope you all enjoyed the rewards and smut set/pinup!

Not gonna lie Drawing Anhka and Midnight Lycanroc was such a treat to me, so thanks to those who suggested I put that in the poll pools!

Also on one last note! For the two polls; should I increase the character choices to 5 or keep it as 4?

Thanks so much, guys! Have a happy July and let's make sure August is even more amazing!

Oh! Also!

I'll be celebrating my 9th anniversary with my fiance! So if you see no update post on the 1st assume I'm out being lovey dovey!

- With Love




More choices are always good for the supporters when it comes to polls.


i think 4 is fine