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I've made a lot of screenshots and videos that don't show off the UI work I've been doing recently. I like an organized tracker. Here you can see a new embiggened font for the song number, the ability to change the song without having to know shift-ctrl-alt-left+right, a row highlighter, a bigger order editor, a moved logo, and some other things, like TONS OF BUTTONS. It all works, too!

How do I do these version number things? There are three dots because it's major, minor, bugfix. I bumped the minor version number to 0.1.0 not because it would seem logical to go from 0.0.9, but because versions before minor version 1 do not have an FX handler that does anything (okay okay it *still* barely does anything). Point is, that is my next goal. If the FX handler starts working, we go to 0.2, but not until then. I've made dozens of changes and am nearing 3000 lines of code in CTM, it's starting to get a bit crazy!

Anyway, I have a favor to ask! Since I can now load MOD, XM, and MON, I'd like to know your favorite tracker songs in these formats, if you have any! I'll try and use them as a test case for CTM and make a video once they sound good (or even if they sound bad, if you like)!




Great progress IP! It's a bit predictable but my favourite MOD is Cream of the Earth by Romeo Knight. An SN version of that would be out of this world!! :)


Of course, that's a classic! I remember listening to it when it was new =] For SN tunes, I have to wait on some adapters I drew up to arrive, but writing an SN76489 driver should be trivial once they exist.