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Boring title, I know - I just typed up a huge long post and it vanished (twice!) so I'm now typing the abridged version. =] I've been hard at work getting my video-fu up to par, in multiple ways: 1) The video I posted earlier this month uses something called ColorChord. Charles has been hard at work on it and I've been testing and providing feedback. The entire thing has been rewritten like twice and it's now extremely stable and modular! 2) Remember my "Cool visual thing" milestone? Because ColorChord is so modular now, we got it running on my LED grid on the back of my laptop *right* before MAGFest, and betatested it during my set there. It was great! I've still got a ways to go until I'm happy with the things my LED setup can do, but ColorChord was on the list and it is now DONE! 3) Last year I livestreamed myself writing music a bit, and I plan to do that more this year. However, I also want to stream myself gaming on Twitch, so I *just* got my start on Mother (Earthbound) 1 on the NES, after which I will proceed to 2 on the SNES and 3 on the GBA (all in English). Over the past week I've hacked together my own livestreaming setup because basically none of the Linux streaming solutions worked for what I wanted to do. Even though it is quite a custom ordeal, it's been fairly solid and at least as good as most of the other setups I've worked with. I've logged around 20 hours already using this setup. Since that's my most recent "thing", that's what this Patreon link is. Please head over to my twitch channel and follow (don't forget to enable notifications) if you'd like to watch me stream games or music composition! Hope everyone has had a nice 2015 so far and looking forward to sharing what's coming down the pike!



MOTHER / Earthbound Thursdays!


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